
Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian art form and sport that combines martial arts, dance, music, philosophies and traditions of West African brought to Brazil during the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Often regarded as the “dance fight,” Capoeira features acrobatics, dance and self-defense movements that are performed in a small circle or “roda.” Participants stay physically fit by masking fight techniques through dance and acrobatic movements, punctuated by unique rhythm instruments blended with songs of protest and encouragement

1) Trans-Atlantic slave trade
2) Middle Passage
3) Sugar cane production in Brazil
4) Creation of Capoeira as a survival skill
5) Capoeira as a form of rebellion against oppression and enslavement
6) Capoeira in Brazil’s favelas (slums)
a) What is a favela
b) Who are primary residents
c) Capoeira’s role in protecting children from drug cartels
7) Capoeira’s popularity throughout the world
8) Capoeira’s place in contemporary Brazil
9) Capoeira’s recognition as a culturally unique art form worthy of preservation

Core   Elementary School   Middle School


1) Portuguese language
2) Call and response
3) Sing with rhythmic clapping
4) Sing, blending with instruments
5) Sing to encourage the Capoeiristas (players)

Core   Elementary School   Middle School


1) Berimbau (one-stringed percussion instrument unique to Capoeira)
2) Pandeiro (large tambourine/frame drum)
3) Caxixi (straw rattles)
4) Atabaque (drum)
5) Agogo (cowbell)

Core   Elementary School   Middle School

1) Warm up with non-locomotor movements like bending, twisting, stretching
2) Begin basic locomotor moves that might be used in Capoeira, like running, hopping, sliding, jumping
3) Practice moving forward, backward, sideways, turning
4) Explore personal space as well as space in the roda (circle)
5) Learn basic Capoeira moves
a) Ginga (fundamental rhythmic swing motion move)
b) Au (cartwheel)
c) Negativa (key transitional ground move)
d) Role (roll)
e) Ponte (basic back bridge)
f) Queda de rins (basic evasive move on side, supported by elbow)
g) Macaco (low back flip)

Core   Elementary School   Middle School


1) Proper etiquette in the roda (circle)
2) Following cues given by Capoeira master leading roda
3) Explore mirroring movements with partner
4) Blend movement with music
5) Accompany players with music and song
6) Explore defensive moves
7) Explore proper responses to offensive moves by another player

Core   Elementary School   Middle School

1) Learn history of Maculele, a traditional Afro Brazilian dance created by African slaves working sugar plantations of Brazil
2) Learn basic movements of Maculele
a) Imitate movement and motion of chopping sugar cane
b) Learn to manipulate sticks that represent the machetes used to chop the sugar cane
c) Learn protocol of dancing Maculele in relationship to the roda (circle)
3) Learn songs of Maculele
a) Gain understanding of Yoruba language pertaining to songs of Maculele
b) Sing songs in rhythm to beating of sticks representing machetes
c) Learn to lead songs
4) Learn to play the rhythms of Maculele on traditional instruments, also used in Capoeira
a) Rhythms
Barra Vento
b) Instruments
Atabaque (drum)
Agogo (cowbell)
Rhythm sticks (representing machetes)
5) Demonstrate mastery of dancing Maculele in the roda
a) Two players in center of circle
b) Keep rhythm with sticks to accompany players/dancers
c) Accompany players/dancers with instruments
d) Take turns leading the songs

Core   Elementary School   Middle School