Making a Difference through Leadership, Service, and Success.

Regarde Familia Homeschchool is a multi-location private school for
Regarde Famila children in grades K–12
What We Teach


The Regarde Familia curriculum offers advanced coursework in all academic disciplines that prepare students for careers in entrepreneurship and private equity. Classes are specially designed to lay the intellectual foundation for advanced coursework by cultivating the critical reasoning, analytical, and communication skills necessary for academic achievement.

Curriculum focused on Forida Department of Education Math Standards
Language Arts
Curriculum focused on Florida Department of Education Language Arts Standards
Curriculum focused on Swimming, Tennis & Soccer
Curriculum focused on Yoga and Non-Dualism Philosophy
Social Studies
Curriculum focused on Florida Department of Education Social Studies Standards
Curriculum focused on Florida Department of Education Science Standards
Curriculum focused on Experiential Learning, Outdoor Guided Excursions & Animal Encounters
Music, Visual & Performing Arts
Curriculum focused on Piano, Art and Capoiera
When We Teach

College-Style System & Schedule

Regarde Familia School runs an extended school day, 7am to 7pm, Monday to Friday. We use a two-semester (Fall and Spring) system, although most of our classes are year-long. Our extended school hours allows students to accelerate their academic progress and work at the times of day when they learn best. We also encourage students to become responsible for their own time and its management sooner rather than later in their academic careers. Most classes meet twice a week, either Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday. Students use the rest of the time as they need to—preparing for class, finishing assignments and attending to their other commitments and interests as depicted by the sample student schedule::

Weschsler Intelligence Scale For Children

An individually administered intelligence test for children between the ages of 6 and 16.

Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Achievement

A set of intelligence tests administered to children from age two right up to the oldest adults.

Messgage from Dean of Students

"Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one"

So much has been accomplished since Regrade Familia School was founded in 2021. Our school has grown in such tremendous ways, but I am so proud that our mission and our unique character have remained firmly in place.

Silvana De Santa Ana

Dean of Students