Regarde Familia

Family Office


Curriculum build in collaboration with MIT & Wharton curriculum to guide RFS students through the process of founding a company. It provides RSF students with inspiration to explore an entrepreneurial path and tools to overcome the initial challenges of building a business. From developing new business ideas and doing market research to designing and testing your offering and pitching, this course follows RSF’s successful approach to entrepreneurship that leverages MIT and Wharton’s disciplined entrepreneurship, lean methodologies, and design thinking.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology:
Becoming an Entrepreneur
A) Starting the Journey
1) Introduction to the course
2) Initial Diagnostic 
3) Entrepreneurship
4) Questions
B) Identifying Opportunities
1) Learning Objectives
2) Creativity Exercises
3) Brainstorming and Filtering
4) Teaming
5) Recap Questions 
6) Assignments
C) Understanding Customers
1) Learning Objectives
2) Customers – Case Study
3) Market Research
4) Choosing a Customer
5) Recap Questions 
6) Assignment 
D) Designing Your Offering
1) Learning Objectives
2) Prioritizing Customer Needs
3) Designing Your Solution
4) Recap Questions
5) Assignments 
E) Testing Your Offering
1) Learning Objectives
2) Minimum Viable Product
3) Customer Acquisition
4) Recap Questions
5) Assignment 
F) Planning Business Logistics
1) Learning Objectives
2) Financials, Incomplete
3) Financial Case Study
G) Closing: Assessment and Resources
1) Wrapping Up
2) Additional Resources
3) Exit Survey

Core   Elementary School   Middle School

The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

1) Introduction and Course Materials

1.1) Introduction to the Professors and Wharton
1.2) What Is Entrepreneurship?
1.3) Can You Teach Entrepreneurship?

2) Introduction to Entrepreneurship

2.1) Course Introduction
2.2) Profile of the Entrepreneur
2.3) Entrepreneurship in Established Firms
2.4) Venture Creation’s Role in Society
2.5) Types of Enterprises
2.6) Technology Entrepreneurship
2.7) Impact Entrepreneurship

3) Opportunity Analysis

3.1) Opportunities and Uncertainty
3.2) Push and Pull and the Sources of Innovation
3.3) Customers as Sources of Opportunities
3.4) Importance of the Idea (VIDE Model)
3.5) Assessing Opportunities
3.6) The Tournament Approach

4) Markets, Need-Finding and Planning

4.1) Defining the Focal Market
4.2) Understanding User Needs
4.3) Competitive Analysis
4.4) Generating Ideas with Individuals and Groups
4.5) Planning: Assumptions
4.6) Planning: Discovery Driven Planning
4.7) Planning: Discovery Driven Planning Worksheet

5) Pitching, Testing, and Prototyping

5.1) The Elevator Pitch
5.2) Testing your Idea: Customer Interviews
5.3) Testing your Idea: Surveys
5.4) Creating a Prototype: Physical Goods
5.5) Creating a Prototype: Software
5.6) Creating a Prototype: Services
5.7) Summary and What’s Ahead

Core   Elementary School   Middle School