The RFS computer science curriculum provides a solid base in computer science fundamentals that includes software design and development in collaboration with MIT, Stanford and Harvard computer science cirriculum.
1) Introduction to HTML
2) Structure Elements
3) Links, tables and list
4) Media in HTML
5) Semantic elements in HTML
6) Forms in HTML
Core Elementary School Middle School
1) Introduction to CSS
2) Background Effect
3) Text Styling Properties
4) Pseudo Classes
5) Box Model
6) Positioning in CSS
Core Elementary School Middle School
1) Introduction to Bootstrap
2) Typography
3) Containers in Bootstrap
4) Bootstrap utilities part 1
5) Bootstrap Utilities part 2
6) Bootstrap Carousel and Scrollspy
Core Elementary School Middle School
1) Introduction to Javascript
2) Introduction to Functions in Javascript
3) Introduction to Methods, Loops and Switches in JavaScript
4) Introduction to Objects in JavaScript
5) Introduction to Array and call stack
6) Introduction to HTML DOM
Core Elementary School Middle School
1) Brief on JavaScript
2) Classes in JavaScript
3) Array sorting and mapping in JavaScript
4) JavaScript in Detail
5) Json and JS Asynchronous
6) Validation in JS
Core Elementary School Middle School
1) Introduction to JS Apps
2) Palindrome app using JS
3) To-Do List App using JS
4) Digital Clock using JS
5) Stopwatch using JS
6) Rolling Dice app using JS
Core Elementary School Middle School
1) Capstone Project
2) Slider in Website
3) Content Display in Website
4) Footer in Website
5) Website Part 1
6) Website Part 2
Core Elementary School Middle School
1) Welcome to Programming
2) Getting started with programming
3) Data types in python
4) Python Operators – I
5) Conditional Statements
6) Python Operator II
Core Elementary School Middle School
1) Nested conditional statements
2) Loops
3) While loop
4) Nested loop
5) Pattern
6) Introduction to turtle
Core Elementary School Middle School
1) Function
2) Arguments
3) Keywords
4) Exception Handling
5) Random and math module
6) Date, time, and calendar module
Core Elementary School Middle School
1) Getting Started with Lists
2) Tuples
3) All About Dictionary
4) Sets and Arrays
5) Advanced Python Functions
6) Python Challenges
Core Elementary School Middle School
1) Object-Oriented Programming
2) More on Object-Oriented Programming
3) Inheritance
4) Encapsulation and Special Functions
5) Abstraction and Polymorphism
6) Challenges on Object-Oriented Programming
Core Elementary School Middle School
1) Let’s Begin with Pygame
2) Basic Game Building Concepts
3) Let’s Add Sprites
4) Let’s Level Up The Game
5) Space Invader Project – Part 1
6) Space Invader Project – Part 2
Core Elementary School Middle School
1) Widgets for Starters
2) Tkinter Geometry Managers
3) Where’s the event
4) Let’s build a Text Editor
5) Denomination Calculator
6) Restaurant Management System
Core Elementary School Middle School
1) Welcome to Data Science
2) Introduction to Pandas
3) Introduction to Matplotlib
4) Seaborn Library in Python
5) Advance Visualizations in Python
6) Capstone Project
Core Elementary School Middle School
Core Elementary School Middle School
Core Elementary School Middle School
Core Elementary School Middle School
Core Elementary School Middle School
Core Elementary School Middle School
Core Elementary School Middle School
Core Elementary School Middle School
Core Elementary School Middle School
Core Elementary School Middle School