RFS's Math problem-based cirriclum is aligned to Florida's State Academic Standards and designed to address content and practice standards and prepares students to solve problems, reason, communicate, and think critically in the classroom and beyond.
A) Numbers up to 20
1) Count, Read, and Write Numbers up to 20
2) Compare Numbers up to 20
3) Add Numbers up to 20
4) Subtract Numbers up to 20
5) Add and Subtract up to 20 Using Mental Strategies
B) Numbers up to 120
1) Count, Read, and Write Numbers up to 120
2) Identify Place Value and Write Numbers up to 100 in Expanded Form
3) Compare and Order Numbers up to 100
4) Skip Count Numbers up to 20 by 2s and 5s
C) Addition and Subtraction
1) Add and Subtract Numbers up to 20 on a Number Line
2) Add Numbers up to 100
3) Subtract Numbers up to 100
4) Solve Real-World Problems on Addition and Subtraction
D) Measurement of Length
1) Compare and Order Length
2) Measure Length Using Uniform Non-standard Units
E) Time
1) Read and Tell Time up to an Hour
2) Read and Tell Time up to Half an Hour
F) Money
1) Identify Coins and Their Values and Use the Cent Symbol
G) Shapes and Patterns
1) Identify Straight Lines and Curved Lines and Shapes Made of the Same
2) Identify 2D Shapes and Their Properties
3) Partition a Shape into Halves and Quarters
4) Identify 3D Shapes and Their Properties
5) Identify Patterns in Objects and Shapes
H) Data Handling
1) Organize, Represent, and Interpret Data Using Tables and Picture Graphs
Core Elementary School Middle School
Core Elementary School Middle School
1) Number System
A) Read and Write Numbers up to 10,000
B) Identify Place Values in 4-Digit Numbers and Express Numbers in Expanded Form
C) Compare and Order 4-Digit Numbers
D) Round Off Numbers up to 4-Digit to the Nearest 10 and 100
2) Addition and Subtraction
A) Add and Subtract 4-Digit Numbers
B) Consolidate Understanding of Properties of Addition and Subtraction and Solve Problems Using Mental Strategies
C) Estimate Sum and Difference up to 4-Digit Numbers
D) Solve Word Problems on Addition and Subtraction
3) Multiplication and Division
A) Solve 4-Digit Multiplication Problems and Know the Multiplication Facts
B) Solve Word Problems on Standard Multiplication of 4-Digit Numbers
C) Understand Division and Division Facts
D) Solve Standard Division Problems of 4-Digit Numbers and Understand Remainder
E) Understand Properties of Multiplication and Mentally Multiply 4-Digit Numbers
F) Devise Strategies and Ideas for Multiplication of 4-Digit Numbers
G) Mentally Divide 4-Digit Numbers and Observe Patterns in Multiplication
4) An Introduction to Fractions
A) Visualize Fractions of a Unit and Write and Interpret Their Numeric and Word Forms
B) Visualize Fractions, and Compare and Order Them
C) Write One Shape as a Fraction of the Other
D) Write Fractions of a Collection (Visual and Abstract) and Solve Problems
5) Time
A) Read Time Shown on the Clock and Write It
B) Understand the Terms Half Past, Quarter Past, and Quarter to
C) Convert Hours, Minutes, and Seconds
D) Calculate Elapsed Time and Understand the Calendar
6) Lines and Polygons
A) Understand Points, Lines, Line Segments, and Rays
B) Understand Congruent Line Segments
C) Understand and Identify Polygons and Circles
D) Understand 3D Shapes and Their Properties
7) Measurement
A) Multiply and Divide Length
B) Understand the Concept of Perimeter and Area
C) Understand “Milligram”
D) Convert Units, Compare Weights, and Perform Operations
E) Understand, Convert Units of Capacity, and Perform Operations
8) Money
A) Count and Compare Amounts
B) Decompose and Form Denominations
C) Add, Subtract, and Multiply Money
9) Data Handling
A) Represent and Interpret Scaled Picture Graphs and Bar Graphs
B) Plot a Line Plot by Generating Measurement Data in Halves and Quarters
Core Elementary School Middle School
Core Elementary School Middle School
A) Numbers and Exponents
1) Consolidate Understanding of Place Value System
2) Write Whole Numbers Using Exponents
B) Number Operations and Order of Operations
1) Multiply Multi-Digit Whole Numbers
2) Divide 4-Digit Numbers by 2-Digit Numbers
3) Simplify Using Order of Operations
C) Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
1) Add and Subtract Fractions with Different Denominators
2) Solve Word Problems on Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
3) Estimate Sum and Difference of Fractions Using Benchmarks
D) Fractions and Their Multiplication and Division
1) Multiply Proper and Improper Fractions by Whole Numbers
2) Multiply Fractions by Fractions and Solve Problems
3) Divide Proper/Improper and Mixed Fractions by Whole Numbers
4) Divide Whole Numbers and Fractions by Fractions
E) An Introduction to Decimals
1) Understand Expanded Forms and Place Values in Decimals, and Their Relationship with Fractions
2) Understand the Significance of Zeros After a Decimal Point and Decimals on a Number Line
3) Recognize Types of Decimals and Compare and Order Them
4) Add and Subtract Like and Unlike Decimals (With/ Without Regrouping)
5) Solve Problems on Addition and Subtraction of Decimals
F) Multiplication and Division of Decimals
1) Multiply Decimal Numbers by Powers of 10 and Decimals
2) Multiply Decimal Numbers by Whole Numbers
3) Multiply Decimal Numbers by Decimal Numbers
4) Divide Decimal Numbers by Powers of Ten andby Whole Numbers
5) Solve Word Problems and Use Long Division Method for Decimals
6) Divide Decimal Numbers by Decimal Numbers
G) Applied Math
1) Understand Percentages and Their Relationship with Fractions
2) Compare Percentages and Solve Problems on Percentages
3) Apply Multiplication and Division to Find Unit Value
4) Understand and Apply Unitary Method
H) Mensuration
1) Convert Various Units and Solve Word Problems on Them
2) Work on Perimeter of Squares and Rectangles
3) Work on Area of Squares and Rectangles
4) Understand the Concept of Volume
I) Geometry
1) Classify Triangles Based on Their Properties
2) Classify Quadrilaterals Based on Their Properties
J) Coordinate Geometry
1) Understand the Components of Cartesian Coordinate Plane
2) Plot and Interpret Line Graphs and Analyze Numeric Patterns
K) Statistics
1) Make and Interpret Line Plots to Solve Problems
2) Represent and Interpret Categorical Data and Numeric Data
Core Elementary School Middle School
Core Elementary School Middle School
Core Elementary School Middle School
A) Exponents
1) The Exponential Form
2) The Product and Power Laws
3) The Quotient Law
4) Powers of Products and Fractions
5) Negative Powers
B) Scientific Notation
1) Express Large Numbers in the Scientific Form
2) Express Very Small Numbers in the Scientific Form
3) Operations on Numbers in the Scientific Form
C) Square Roots and Cube Roots
1) Square Roots of Perfect Squares
2) Estimating Square Roots
3) Expressions and Equations Involving Square Roots
4) Cube Roots
5) Expressions and Equations Involving Cube Roots
D) The Pythagoras Theorem
1) The Pythagoras Theorem
2) Word Problems Involving the Pythagoras Theorem
3) The Distance Formula
E) Real Numbers
1) Decimal Expansion and Classification of Rational Numbers
2) Conversion of Recurring Decimals to Fractions
3) Irrational Numbers and Their Representation
F) Linear Equations in One Variable
1) Solving Simple Linear Equations in One Variable
2) Solving Equations by Reducing them to Linear Form
3) Word Problems on Linear Equations in One Variable
G) Lines, Angles, and Triangles
1) Parallel Lines and Transversals
2) The Angle Sum Property and Exterior Angle Property of Triangles
H) Rigid Transformations and Congruence
1) Translation of Two-Dimensional Figures
2) Reflection of Two-Dimensional Figures
3) Rotation of Two-Dimensional Figures
4) Congruence Using Rigid Transformations
I) Dilations and Similarity
1) Dilation of Two-Dimensional Figures
2) Basics of Similarity
J) Graphs of Linear Relationships
1) Comparison of Proportional Relationships
2) Graphing Linear Relationships
3) The Slope of a Straight Line
4) Equations of Straight Lines
K) Simultaneous Linear Equations
1) Solving a Pair of Linear Equations Graphically
2) Types of Pairs of Linear Equations
3) Solving a Pair of Linear Equations Algebraically
4) Word Problems Involving Pairs of Linear Equations
L) Functions
1) Basics of Functions and Their Representation
2) Graphing Functions
3) The Rate of Change of a Function
4) Modeling Real-Life Situations Using Linear Functions
5) Analyzing Graphs of Functions
M) Volume
1) The Volume of a Cylinder
2) The Volume of a Cone
3) The Volumes of a Sphere and a Hemisphere
N) Statistics
1) Scatter Plots
2) Lines of Fit
3) Two-Way Tables
4) Representing Data in an Appropriate Form
Core Elementary School Middle School