The RFS Science curriculum is aligned to Florida's State Academic Standards and aims to help children develop basic scientific ideas and understanding about the biological and physical aspects of the world, and the processes through which they develop this knowledge and understanding.
A) Shapes and colors
1) Classify objects by two-dimensional shape
2) Sort objects by two-dimensional shape
3) Classify objects by three-dimensional shape
4) Sort objects by three-dimensional shape
5) Classify objects by color
6) Sort objects by color
B) Materials
1) Classify objects by texture
2) Sort objects by texture
3) Classify objects by material
4) Sort objects by material
5) Classify objects by shape, color, material, and texture
6) Describe objects
C) Comparing
1) Long and short
2) Light and heavy
3) Hot and cold
D) States of matter
1) Classify solids and liquids
2) Identify solids and liquids
E) Light and sound
1) More light or less light
2) Investigate shadows
3) Which lets light go through?
4) How do we use light and sound to communicate?
F) Force and motion
1) Push and pull
2) Investigate pushes and pulls
3) The ways things move
G) Animals
1) What do animals need to survive?
2) How do animals use their body parts?
3) Match animals to their parents
4) Where do dromedary camels and polar bears live?
5) Where do giraffes and beavers live?
6) New! Where do whale sharks and tree frogs live?
7) New! The five senses
H) Plants
1) What do plants need to survive?
2) Identify plant parts
3) Identify what plant parts do
4) Match plants to their parents
5) Where do water lilies and saguaros live?
6) New! Where do bearberries and powdery strap air plants live?
7) New! Where do turtle grass and giant sequoias live?
I) Classification
1) Identify living and nonliving things
J) Ecosystems
1) How do gray squirrels change the forest to meet their needs?
K) Earth’s resources
1) Earth materials: water, rocks, and soil
2) Classify rocks and minerals
3) Natural resources
L) Human impacts
1) Reduce, reuse, recycle
M) Weather
1) Describe the weather
2) New! Types of precipitation
3) Weather patterns
4) Severe weather: blizzards
5) Severe weather: tornadoes
N) Astronomy
1) The daytime sky
2) The night sky
O) Engineering practices
1) Design a race car track
Core Elementary School Middle School
A) Shapes and colors
1) Classify objects by two-dimensional shape
2) Sort objects by two-dimensional shape
3) Classify objects by three-dimensional shape
4) Sort objects by three-dimensional shape
5) Classify objects by color
6) Sort objects by color
B) Materials
1) Classify objects by texture
2) Sort objects by texture
3) Classify objects by material
4) Sort objects by material
5) Classify objects by shape, color, material, and texture
6) Describe objects
C) Comparing
1) Long and short
2) Light and heavy
3) Hot and cold
D) States of matter
1) Classify solids and liquids
2) Identify solids and liquids
E) Heating and cooling
1) Changes caused by heating and cooling
F) Light and sound
1) More light or less light
2) Investigate shadows
3) Which lets light go through?
4) How do we use light and sound to communicate
G) Force and motion
1) Push and pull
2) Investigate pushes and pulls
3) The way things move
H) Animals
1) What do animals need to survive?
2) How do animals use their body parts?
3) Match animals to their parents
4) Where do dromedary camels and polar bears live?
5) Where do giraffes and beavers live?
6) Where do whale sharks and tree frogs live?
7) The five senses
I) Plants
1) What do plants need to survive?
2) Identify plant parts
3) Identify what plant parts do
4) Match plants to their parents
5) Where do water lilies and saguaros live?
6) Where do bearberries and powdery strap air plants live?
7) Where do turtle grass and giant sequoias live?
J) Classification
1) Identify living and nonliving things
K) Ecosystems
1) How do gray squirrels change the forest to meet their needs?
L) Earth’s resources
1) Earth materials: water, rocks, and soil
2) Bodies of water
3) Classify rocks and minerals
4) Natural resources
M) Human impacts
1) Reduce, reuse, recycle
N) Weather
1) Describe the weather
2) Types of precipitation
3) Weather patterns
4) Severe weather: blizzards
5) Severe weather: tornadoes
O) Astronomy
1) The daytime sky
2) The night sky
P) Engineering practices
1) Design a race car track
Core Elementary School Middle School
A) Materials
1) Identify properties of an object
2) Compare properties of objects
3) Compare properties of materials
4) Identify materials in objects
5) Identify multiple materials in objects
B) States of matter
1) Classify matter as solid or liquid
2) Identify solids and liquids
3) Classify matter as solid, liquid, or gas
4) Identify solids, liquids, and gases
5) Sort solids, liquids, and gases
C) Changes of state
1) Changes caused by heating and cooling
2) Change-of-state diagrams: solid and liquid
3) Change-of-state diagrams: liquid and gas
4) Change-of-state diagrams: solid, liquid, and gas
5) Heating, cooling, and changes of state: melting and freezing
6) Heating, cooling, and changes of state: vaporizing and condensing
D) Heat
1) Predict heat flow
E) Physical and chemical change
1) Identify physical and chemical changes
F) Mixtures
1) Identify mixtures
G) Force and motion
1) Identify pushes and pulls
2) How do mass and force affect motion?
3) Compare the speeds of moving objects
H) Magnets
1) Identify magnets that attract or repel
2) Label magnets that attract or repel
I) Classification
1) Identify living and nonliving things
2) Identify plants and animals
3) Identify mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians
4) Identify animals with and without backbones
J) Animals
1) Read animal life cycle diagrams
2) Construct animal life cycle diagrams
3) Compare different animals’ life cycles
4) Pollinator: ruby-throated hummingbird
5) Pollinator: Indian flying fox
6) Pollinator: painted lady butterfly
7) Seed disperser: Eurasian red squirrel
8) Seed disperser: African elephant
9) Seed disperser: common ostrich
10) Body parts and their functions
11) How do gray squirrels change the forest to meet their needs?
K) Plants
1) Classify fruits and vegetables as plant parts
2) Identify plant parts and their functions
3) Read and construct flowering plant life cycle diagrams
4) How do flowering plants make new plants?
L) Traits
1) Observe traits
2) Where do dromedary camels and polar bears live?
3) Where do giraffes and beavers live?
4) Where do whale sharks and tree frogs live?
5) Where do turtle grass and giant sequoias live?
6) Where do water lilies and saguaros live?
7) Where do bearberries and powdery strap air plants live?
8) Observe and compare traits
9) Introduction to adaptations
M) Rocks and minerals
1) Classify rocks and minerals by color and shape
N) Weather
1) Describe the weather
2) Types of precipitation
3) Severe weather: blizzards
4) Severe weather: tornadoes
5) Read a thermometer
6) Compare temperatures on thermometers
O) Earth’s features
1) Bodies of water
2) Water on Earth
3) Natural resources
4) Identify Earth’s land features
P) Earth events
1) Classify changes to Earth’s surface
2) Find evidence of changes to Earth’s surface
3) Changes to Earth’s surface: earthquakes
4) Changes to Earth’s surface: volcanic eruptions
5) Changes to Earth’s surface: erosion
Q) Units and measurement
1) Choose units of time
2) Choose customary units of distance
3) Choose metric units of distance
4) Abbreviate time and length units
5) Abbreviate mass and volume units
Core Elementary School Middle School
A) Materials
1) Identify properties of an object
2) Compare properties of objects
3) Compare properties of materials
4) Identify materials in objects
5) Identify multiple materials in objects
B) States of matter
1) Classify matter as solid, liquid, or gas
2) Identify solids, liquids, and gases
3) Sort solids, liquids, and gases
C) Phase change
1) Change-of-state diagrams: solid, liquid, and gas
2) Heating, cooling, and changes of state
D) Heat and thermal energy
1) Predict heat flow
2) Predict temperature changes
3) How is temperature related to thermal energy?
E) Physical and chemical change
1) Identify physical and chemical changes
2) Compare physical and chemical changes
F) Mixtures
1) Identify mixtures
G) Force and motion
1) Identify pushes and pulls
2) How do balanced and unbalanced forces affect motion?
3) How do mass and force affect motion?
4) Compare the speeds of moving objects
H) Electricity
1) Introduction to static electricity and charged objects
I) Magnets
1) Identify magnets that attract or repel
2) Label magnets that attract or repel
3) Compare strengths of magnetic forces
J) Classification
1) Identify living and nonliving things
2) Identify plants and animals
3) Identify mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians
4) Identify vertebrates and invertebrates
K) Animals
1) Read animal life cycle diagrams
2) Construct animal life cycle diagrams
3) Compare stages of an animal’s life cycle
4) Compare different animals’ life cycles
5) Benefits of group behavior: North American caribou
6) Benefits of group behavior: African wild dogs
7) Benefits of group behavior: leaf-cutter ants
8) Human organs and their functions
L) Plants
1) Classify fruits and vegetables as plant parts
2) Identify plant parts and their functions
3) How do plants make food?
4) Read and construct flowering plant life cycle diagrams
5) How do flowering plants make new plants?
M) Traits
1) Observe and compare traits
2) What affects traits? Use observations to support a hypothesis
N) Adaptations
1) Introduction to adaptations
2) Animal adaptations: beaks, mouths, and necks
3) Animal adaptations: feet and limbs
4) Animal adaptations: skins and body coverings
O) Heredity
1) Match offspring to parents using inherited traits
2) Identify inherited and acquired traits
3) Inherited and acquired traits: use evidence to support a statement
4) Read a plant pedigree chart
5) Read an animal pedigree chart
P) Ecosystems
1) Identify ecosystems
2) Describe ecosystems
3) Identify roles in food chains
4) How does matter move in food chains?
5) Interpret food webs
Q) Rocks and minerals
1) Classify rocks and minerals by color, shape, and texture
2) Identify minerals using properties
3) Identify rocks using properties
4) Classify rocks as igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic
R) Fossils
1) Introduction to fossils
2) Compare fossils to modern organisms
3) Compare ancient and modern organisms: use observations to support a hypothesis
S) Weather and climate
1) Read a thermometer
2) Compare temperatures on thermometers
3) Collect and graph temperature data
4) What’s the difference between weather and climate?
5) Weather and climate around the world
6) Weather or climate? Cite text
7) Use climate data to make predictions
8) Use data to describe U.S. climates
9) Use data to describe world climates
T) Earth’s features
1) Bodies of water
2) Water on Earth
3) Natural resources
4) Identify Earth’s land features
U) Earth events
1) Classify changes to Earth’s surface I
2) Classify changes to Earth’s surface II
3) Find evidence of changes to Earth’s surface
4) Changes to Earth’s surface: earthquakes
5) Changes to Earth’s surface: volcanic eruptions
6) Changes to Earth’s surface: erosion
V) Engineering practices
1) Solve problems using magnets
2) Evaluate multiple design solutions to prevent flooding
3) Identify the best design solution to prevent hurricane damage
W) Units and measurement
1) Choose units of time
2) Choose customary units of distance
3) Choose metric units of distance
4) Abbreviate time and length units
5) Abbreviate mass and volume units
Core Elementary School Middle School
A) Materials
1) Compare properties of objects
2) Compare properties of materials
B) Matter and mass
1) Calculate density
2) Understand conservation of matter using graphs
C) States of matter
1) Identify and sort solids, liquids, and gases
2) Change-of-state diagrams: solid, liquid, and gas
3) Heating, cooling, and changes of state
D) Heat and thermal energy
1) Predict heat flow
2) Predict temperature changes
3) How is temperature related to thermal energy?
E) Physical and chemical change
1) Identify physical and chemical changes
2) Compare physical and chemical changes
F) Mixtures
1) Identify mixtures
G) Force and motion
1) Identify directions of forces
2) How do balanced and unbalanced forces affect motion?
3) How does mass affect force and acceleration?
4) Compare amplitudes and wavelengths of waves
H) Electricity and magnets
1) Introduction to static electricity and charged objects
2) Identify magnets that attract or repel
3) Label magnets that attract or repel
4) Compare strengths of magnetic forces
I) Energy transformation
1) Energy transformation
J) Classification
1) Identify living and nonliving things
2) Identify mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians
3) Identify vertebrates and invertebrates
4) Use evidence to classify mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians
5) Use evidence to classify animals
6) Describe, classify, and compare kingdoms
K) Scientific names
1) Identify common and scientific names
2) Origins of scientific names
3) Use scientific names to classify organisms
L) Animals
1) Read and construct animal life cycle diagrams
2) Compare animal life cycles
3) Human organs and their functions
4) Body systems: circulation and respiration
5) Body systems: digestion
6) Body systems: removing waste
7) Body systems: perception and motion
M) Plants
1) Classify fruits and vegetables as plant parts
2) Identify plant parts and their functions
3) How do plants make food?
4) Identify flower parts and their functions
5) Describe and construct flowering plant life cycles
6) Describe and construct conifer life cycles
N) Adaptations
1) Introduction to adaptations
2) Animal adaptations: beaks, mouths, and necks
3) Animal adaptations: feet and limbs
4) Animal adaptations: skins and body coverings
O) Traits and heredity
1) What affects traits? Use observations to support a hypothesis
2) Match offspring to parents using inherited traits
3) Identify inherited and acquired traits
4) Inherited and acquired traits: use evidence to support a statement
5) Read a plant pedigree chart
6) Read an animal pedigree chart
P) Cells
1) Identify functions of plant cell parts
2) Identify functions of animal cell parts
3) Plant cell diagrams: identify parts
4) Animal cell diagrams: identify parts
5) Plant cell diagrams: label parts
6) Animal cell diagrams: label parts
7) Compare plant and animal cells
8) Cell part functions: true or false
Q) Ecosystems
1) Identify ecosystems
2) Describe ecosystems
3) Identify roles in food chains
4) How does matter move in food chains?
5) Interpret food webs
R) Conservation and natural resources
1) Science literacy: how can a community protect sea turtles?
2) Evaluate natural energy sources
S) Rocks and minerals
1) Changes to Earth’s surface: erosion
2) Identify minerals using properties
3) Identify rocks using properties
4) How do sedimentary rocks form?
5) Classify rocks as igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic
6) How do rock layers form?
T) Fossils
1) Introduction to fossils
2) Identify and classify fossils
3) Compare fossils to modern organisms
4) Compare ancient and modern organisms: use observations to support a hypothesis
5) Interpret evidence from fossils in rock layers
U) Weather and climate
1) Read a thermometer
2) Compare temperatures on thermometers
3) Collect and graph temperature data
4) What’s the difference between weather and climate?
5) Weather and climate around the world
6) Weather or climate? Cite text
7) Use climate data to make predictions
8) Use data to describe climates
9) Label parts of water cycle diagrams
V) Earth’s features
1) Identify Earth’s land features using photographs
2) Identify Earth’s land features using satellite images
3) Describe and graph water on Earth
4) Read a topographic map
5) Select parts of a topographic map
W) Earth events
1) Changes to Earth’s surface: earthquakes
2) Changes to Earth’s surface: volcanic eruptions
X) Astronomy
1) Shadows
2) Earth’s rotation and orbit
3) Day and night
4) Brightness of the Sun and other stars
5) Constellations and the changing night sky
6) Identify phases of the Moon
7) Identify constellations
Y) Engineering practices
1) Evaluate multiple design solutions to prevent flooding
2) Identify the best design solution to prevent hurricane damage
Z) Units and measurement
1) Choose customary units of distance
2) Choose metric units of distance
3) Choose customary units of mass
4) Choose metric units of mass
5) Choose customary units of volume
6) Choose metric units of volume
7) Abbreviate time and length units
8) Abbreviate mass and volume units
Core Elementary School Middle School
A) Materials
1) Compare properties of objects
B) Matter and mass
1) Calculate density
2) Understand conservation of matter using graphs
C) Heat and thermal energy
1) Change-of-state diagrams: melting, freezing, vaporizing, and condensing
2) Change-of-state diagrams: melting, freezing, vaporizing, condensing, and sublimating
3) Heating, cooling, and changes of state
4) Predict heat flow
5) Predict temperature changes
6) How are temperature and mass related to thermal energy?
D) Physical and chemical change
1) Compare physical and chemical changes
2) Identify reactants and products
3) Identify mixtures
E) Energy transformation
1) Energy transformation
F) Atoms and molecules
1) Interpret ball-and-stick models
2) Match chemical formulas to ball-and-stick models
3) Complete chemical formulas for ball-and-stick models
4) Count atoms in chemical formulas
5) Classify elementary substances and compounds using chemical formulas
6) Identify elementary substances and compounds using chemical formulas
7) Sort elementary substances and compounds using chemical formulas
8) Classify elementary substances and compounds using models
G) Force and motion
1) Identify directions of forces
2) How do balanced and unbalanced forces affect motion?
3) How does mass affect force and acceleration?
4) Compare amplitudes and wavelengths of waves
H) Magnets
1) Identify magnets that attract or repel
2) Label magnets that attract or repel
3) Compare magnitudes of magnetic forces
I) Classification
1) Identify mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians
2) Identify vertebrates and invertebrates
3) Use evidence to classify mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians
4) Use evidence to classify animals
5) Describe, classify, and compare kingdoms
J) Scientific names
1) Identify common and scientific names
2) Origins of scientific names
3) Use scientific names to classify organisms
K) Animals
1) Read and construct animal life cycle diagrams
2) Compare animal life cycles
3) Human organs and their functions
4) Body systems: circulation and respiration
5) Body systems: digestion
6) Body systems: removing waste
7) Body systems: perception and motion
L) Plants
1) Classify fruits and vegetables as plant parts
2) Identify plant parts and their functions
3) How do plants make food?
4) Identify flower parts and their functions
5) Flowering plant and conifer life cycles
6) Moss and fern life cycles
7) Identify the photosynthetic organism
M) Adaptations
1) Animal adaptations: beaks, mouths, and necks
2) Animal adaptations: feet and limbs
3) Animal adaptations: skins and body coverings
N) Traits and heredity
1) What affects traits? Use observations to support a hypothesis
2) Match offspring to parents using inherited traits
3) Identify inherited and acquired traits
4) Inherited and acquired traits: use evidence to support a statement
5) Read a plant pedigree chart
6) Read an animal pedigree chart
O) Cells
1) Identify functions of plant cell parts
2) Identify functions of animal cell parts
3) Animal and plant cell diagrams: identify parts
4) Plant cell diagrams: label parts
5) Animal cell diagrams: label parts
6) Compare cells and cell parts
P) Ecosystems
1) Identify ecosystems
2) Describe ecosystems
3) Identify roles in food chains
4) How does matter move in food chains?
5) Interpret food webs I
6) Interpret food webs II
Q) Conservation and natural resources
1) Science literacy: how can a community protect sea turtles?
2) Evaluate natural energy sources
R) Rocks
1) Identify rocks and minerals
2) Changes to Earth’s surface: erosion
3) How do sedimentary rocks form?
4) Classify rocks as igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic
5) How do rock layers form?
6) Label parts of rock cycle diagrams
7) Select parts of rock cycle diagrams
S) Fossils
1) Introduction to fossils
2) Identify and classify fossils
3) Compare fossils to modern organisms
4) Compare ancient and modern organisms: use observations to support a hypothesis
5) Interpret evidence from fossils in rock layers
T) Weather and climate
1) Collect and graph temperature data
2) What’s the difference between weather and climate?
3) Weather and climate around the world
4) Weather or climate? Cite text
5) Use climate data to make predictions
6) Use data to describe climates
U) Earth’s systems
1) Describe and graph water on Earth
2) Label parts of water cycle diagrams
3) Select parts of water cycle diagrams
4) Describe the geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere
V) Earth’s features
1) Identify Earth’s land features using photographs
2) Identify Earth’s land features using satellite images
3) Read a topographic map
4) Select parts of a topographic map
W) Astronomy
1) Shadows
2) Earth’s rotation and orbit
3) Day and night
4) Brightness of the Sun and other stars
5) Constellations and the changing night sky
6) Identify phases of the Moon
7) Solar eclipses
8) Identify constellations
X) Engineering practices
1) Evaluate multiple design solutions to prevent flooding
2) Identify the best design solution to prevent hurricane damage
Y) Units and measurement
1) Choose customary units of distance
2) Choose metric units of distance
3) Choose customary units of mass
4) Choose metric units of mass
5) Choose customary units of volume
6) Choose metric units of volume
7) Abbreviate time, length, and speed units
8) Abbreviate mass, volume, and temperature units
Z) Lab tools and equipment
1) Identify laboratory tools
Core Elementary School Middle School
A) Science practices and tools
1) Identify steps of the scientific method
2) Identify laboratory tools
3) Laboratory safety equipment
B) Designing experiments
1) Identify control and experimental groups
2) Identify independent and dependent variables
3) Identify the experimental question
4) Identify questions that can be investigated with a set of materials
5) Understand an experimental protocol about plant growth
6) Understand an experimental protocol about diffusion
7) Understand an experimental protocol about evaporation
C) Engineering practices
1) Identify parts of the engineering-design process
2) Evaluate tests of engineering-design solutions
3) Use data from tests to compare engineering-design solutions
4) Explore the engineering-design process: going to the Moon!
D) Matter and mass
1) Calculate density
2) Understand conservation of matter using graphs
E) Atoms and molecules
1) What are atoms and chemical elements?
2) How are substances represented by chemical formulas and models?
3) Match chemical formulas to ball-and-stick models
4) Complete chemical formulas for ball-and-stick models
5) Describe the atomic composition of molecules
6) Classify elementary substances and compounds using chemical formulas
7) Identify elementary substances and compounds using chemical formulas
8) Sort elementary substances and compounds using chemical formulas
9) Classify elementary substances and compounds using models
10) Identify elementary substances and compounds using models
11) Sort elementary substances and compounds using models
F) Chemical reactions
1) Identify reactants and products
2) Count atoms and molecules in chemical reactions
3) Calculate amounts of reactants or products in chemical reactions
4) Describe energy changes in chemical reactions
5) Compare physical and chemical changes
6) Explore chemical structure and properties: soapmaking
7) Explore chemical structure and properties: food flavors
G) Velocity, acceleration, and forces
1) Calculate speed from time and distance
2) Calculate distance from speed and time
3) Calculate time from speed and distance
4) Calculate speed, distance, and time I
5) Calculate speed, distance, and time II
6) Identify whether objects are accelerating
7) How does mass affect force and acceleration?
8) Predict forces using Newton’s third law
9) Balanced and unbalanced forces
10) Compare magnitudes of magnetic forces
H) Kinetic and potential energy
1) Identify changes in gravitational potential energy
2) Use tables and graphs to identify patterns about kinetic energy
3) Explore energy transformations: roller coaster ride
4) Explore energy transformations: bike ride
I) Thermal energy
1) Predict heat flow and temperature changes
2) How are temperature and mass related to thermal energy?
3) Compare thermal energy transfers
J) Particle motion and energy
1) How does particle motion affect temperature?
2) Particle motion and changes of state
3) How does particle motion affect gas pressure?
4) Identify how particle motion affects temperature and pressure
K) Waves
1) Compare amplitudes, wavelengths, and frequencies of waves
2) Compare energy of waves
3) Transmission, reflection, and absorption of waves
4) Electromagnetic waves
L) Solutions
1) Compare concentrations of solutions
2) Diffusion across membranes
M) Classification and scientific names
1) Identify common and scientific names
2) Origins of scientific names
3) Use scientific names to classify organisms
N) Biochemistry
1) Structure and function: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids
2) Understanding the chemistry of cellular respiration
O) Cells
1) Understanding cells
2) Identify functions of plant cell parts
3) Identify functions of animal cell parts
4) Plant cell diagrams: label parts
5) Animal cell diagrams: label parts
6) Compare cells and cell parts
P) Anatomy and physiology
1) Body systems: circulation and respiration
2) Body systems: digestion
3) Body systems: removing waste
4) Body systems: perception and motion
5) Organization in the human body: the heart and the circulatory system
6) Science literacy: how does the nervous system produce phantom pain?
Q) Genes to traits
1) Inherited and acquired traits: use evidence to support a statement
2) Genetics vocabulary: genotype and phenotype
3) Genetics vocabulary: dominant and recessive
4) Genetic variation in sexual reproduction
5) Complete and interpret Punnett squares
6) Use Punnett squares to calculate ratios of offspring types
7) Genes, proteins, and traits: understanding the genetic code
8) Describe the effects of gene mutations on organisms
9) How do genes and the environment affect plant growth?
R) Adaptations and natural selection
1) How can animal behaviors affect reproductive success? Identify evidence to support a claim
2) Introduction to natural selection
3) Calculate the percentages of traits in a population
4) Calculate the averages of traits in a population
5) Construct explanations of natural selection
S) Fossils
1) Compare fossils to modern organisms
2) Compare ages of fossils in a rock sequence
T) Plant reproduction
1) Flowering plant and conifer life cycles
2) Moss and fern life cycles
U) Photosynthesis
1) How do plants use and change energy?
2) Identify the photosynthetic organism
V) Earth’s systems
1) Describe the geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere
W) Ecosystems
1) Describe populations, communities, and ecosystems
2) Identify ecosystems
3) Describe ecosystems
X) Ecological interactions
1) How does matter move in food chains?
2) Interpret food webs I
3) Interpret food webs II
4) Use food chains to predict changes in populations
5) Classify symbiotic relationships
6) Investigate primary succession on a volcanic island
Y) Conservation
1) Coral reef biodiversity and human uses: explore a problem
2) Coral reef biodiversity and human uses: evaluate solutions
Z) Natural resources and human impacts
1) Evaluate claims about natural resource use: groundwater
2) Evaluate claims about natural resource use: fossil fuels
AA) Rocks
1) Identify rocks and minerals
2) Introduction to the rock cycle
3) Classify rocks as igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic
4) How do rock layers form?
5) Label parts of rock cycle diagrams
6) Select parts of rock cycle diagrams
BB) Earth’s features
1) Label Earth layers
2) Identify Earth’s land features using photographs
3) Identify Earth’s land features using satellite images
4) Label Earth features at tectonic plate boundaries
5) Describe tectonic plate boundaries around the world
CC) Topographic maps
1) Select parts of a topographic map
DD) Water cycle
1) Label parts of water cycle diagrams
2) Select parts of water cycle diagrams
EE) Weather and climate
1) Weather and climate around the world
2) Weather or climate? Cite text
3) Use data to describe climates
4) Factors affecting climate: latitude
5) Factors affecting climate: distance from the ocean
6) Explore air masses
7) Identify and compare air masses
8) How do air masses form?
FF) The greenhouse effect
1) The greenhouse effect
GG) Natural hazards
1) Analyze natural hazard maps
HH) Astronomy
1) Analyze models of the Earth-Sun-Moon system
2) Constellations and the changing night sky
3) Identify phases of the Moon
4) Solar eclipses
5) What causes the seasons on Earth?
6) Analyze data to compare properties of planets
7) Identify constellations
II) Units and measurement
1) Choose customary units of distance, mass, and volume
2) Choose metric units of distance, mass, and volume
3) Estimate temperatures
4) Abbreviate length, speed, and acceleration units
5) Abbreviate temperature, mass, and volume units
6) Abbreviate force, energy, and electricity units
Core Elementary School Middle School
A) Science practices and tools
1) Identify steps of the scientific method
2) Identify laboratory tools
3) Laboratory safety equipment
B) Designing experiments
1) Identify control and experimental groups
2) Identify independent and dependent variables
3) Identify the experimental question
4) Identify questions that can be investigated with a set of materials
5) Understand an experimental protocol about plant growth
6) Understand an experimental protocol about diffusion
7) Understand an experimental protocol about evaporation
C) Engineering practices
1) Identify parts of the engineering-design process
2) Evaluate tests of engineering-design solutions
3) Use data from tests to compare engineering-design solutions
4) Explore the engineering-design process: going to the Moon!
D) Density
1) Calculate density, mass, and volume
E) Atoms and molecules
1) What are atoms and chemical elements?
2) How are substances represented by chemical formulas and models?
3) Identify chemical formulas for ball-and-stick models
4) Describe the atomic composition of molecules
5) Classify elementary substances and compounds using chemical formulas
6) Classify elementary substances and compounds using models
F) Chemical reactions
1) Identify reactants and products
2) Count atoms and molecules in chemical reactions
3) Calculate amounts of reactants or products in chemical reactions
4) Describe energy changes in chemical reactions
5) Compare physical and chemical changes
6) Explore chemical structure and properties: soapmaking
7) Explore chemical structure and properties: food flavors
G) Velocity, acceleration, and forces
1) Calculate velocity from time and distance
2) Calculate distance from velocity and time
3) Calculate time from velocity and distance
4) Calculate velocity, distance, and time I
5) Calculate velocity, distance, and time II
6) Identify whether objects are accelerating
7) How does mass affect force and acceleration?
8) Predict forces using Newton’s third law
9) Balanced and unbalanced forces
10) Compare magnitudes of magnetic forces
H) Kinetic and potential energy
1) Identify changes in gravitational potential energy
2) Use tables and graphs to identify patterns about kinetic energy
3) Explore energy transformations: roller coaster ride
4) Explore energy transformations: bike ride
I) Thermal energy
1) Predict heat flow and temperature changes
2) Compare thermal energy transfers
J) Particle motion and energy
1) How does particle motion affect temperature?
2) Particle motion and changes of state
3) How does particle motion affect gas pressure?
4) Identify how particle motion affects temperature and pressure
K) Waves
1) Compare amplitudes, wavelengths, and frequencies of waves
2) Compare energy of waves
3) Transmission, reflection, and absorption of waves
4) Electromagnetic waves
L) Solutions
1) Compare concentrations of solutions
2) Diffusion across membranes
M) Classification and scientific names
1) Identify common and scientific names
2) Origins of scientific names
3) Use scientific names to classify organisms
N) Biochemistry
1) Structure and function: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids
2) Understanding the chemistry of cellular respiration
O) Cells
1) Understanding cells
2) Identify functions of plant cell parts
3) Identify functions of animal cell parts
4) Plant cell diagrams: label parts
5) Animal cell diagrams: label parts
6) Compare cells and cell parts
P) Anatomy and physiology
1) Organization in the human body: the heart and the circulatory system
2) Science literacy: how does the nervous system produce phantom pain?
Q) Genes to traits
1) Inherited and acquired traits: use evidence to support a statement
2) Genetics vocabulary: genotype and phenotype
3) Genetics vocabulary: dominant and recessive
4) Genetic variation in sexual reproduction
5) Complete and interpret Punnett squares
6) Use Punnett squares to calculate ratios of offspring types
7) Use Punnett squares to calculate probabilities of offspring types
8) Genes, proteins, and traits: understanding the genetic code
9) Describe the effects of gene mutations on organisms
10) How do genes and the environment affect plant growth?
R) Adaptations and natural selection
1) How can animal behaviors affect reproductive success? Identify evidence to support a claim
2) Introduction to natural selection
3) Calculate the percentages of traits in a population
4) Calculate the averages of traits in a population
5) Construct explanations of natural selection
S) Fossils
1) Compare fossils to modern organisms
2) Compare ages of fossils in a rock sequence
T) Plant reproduction
1) Angiosperm and conifer life cycles
2) Moss and fern life cycles
U) Photosynthesis
1) How do plants use and change energy?
2) Identify the photosynthetic organism
V) Earth’s systems
1) Describe the geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere
W) Ecosystems
1) Describe populations, communities, and ecosystems
2) Identify ecosystems
3) Describe ecosystems
X) Ecological interactions
1) How does matter move in food chains?
2) Interpret food webs I (0)
3) Interpret food webs II
4) Use food chains to predict changes in populations
5) Classify symbiotic relationships
6) Investigate primary succession on a volcanic island
Y) Conservation
1) Coral reef biodiversity and human uses: explore a problem
2) Coral reef biodiversity and human uses: evaluate solutions
Z) Natural resources and human impacts
1) Evaluate claims about natural resource use: groundwater
2) Evaluate claims about natural resource use: fossil fuels
AA) Rocks
1) Identify rocks and minerals
2) Introduction to the rock cycle
3) Classify rocks as igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic
4) How do rock layers form?
5) Label parts of rock cycle diagrams
6) Select parts of rock cycle diagrams
BB) Earth’s features
1) Label Earth layers
2) Label Earth features at tectonic plate boundaries
3) Describe tectonic plate boundaries around the world
CC) Topographic maps
1) Select parts of a topographic map
DD) Water cycle
1) Label parts of water cycle diagrams
2) Select parts of water cycle diagrams
EE) Weather and climate
1) Use data to describe climates
2) Factors affecting climate: latitude
3) Factors affecting climate: distance from the ocean
4) Explore air masses
5) Identify and compare air masses
6) How do air masses form?
FF) The greenhouse effect
1) The greenhouse effect
GG) Natural hazards
1) Analyze natural hazard maps
HH) Astronomy
1) Analyze models of the Earth-Sun-Moon system
2) Identify phases of the Moon
3) Solar eclipses
4) What causes the seasons on Earth?
5) Analyze data to compare properties of planets
6) Identify constellations
II) Units and measurement
1) Choose customary units of distance, mass, and volume
2) Choose metric units of distance, mass, and volume
3) Estimate temperatures
4) Abbreviate length, speed, and acceleration units
5) Abbreviate temperature, mass, and volume units
6) Abbreviate force, energy, and electricity units
Core Elementary School Middle School
A) Science practices and tools
1) Identify steps of the scientific method
2) Identify laboratory tools
3) Laboratory safety equipment
B) Designing experiments
1) Identify control and experimental groups
2) Identify independent and dependent variables
3) Identify the experimental question
4) Identify questions that can be investigated with a set of materials
5) Understand an experimental protocol about plant growth
6) Understand an experimental protocol about diffusion
7) Understand an experimental protocol about evaporation
C) Engineering practices
1) Identify parts of the engineering-design process
2) Evaluate tests of engineering-design solutions
3) Use data from tests to compare engineering-design solutions
4) Explore the engineering-design process: going to the Moon!
D) Density
1) Calculate density, mass, and volume
E) Atoms and molecules
1) What are atoms and chemical elements?
2) How are substances represented by chemical formulas and models?
3) Identify chemical formulas for ball-and-stick models
4) Describe the atomic composition of molecules
5) Classify elementary substances and compounds using chemical formulas
6) Classify elementary substances and compounds using models
F) Chemical reactions
1) Identify reactants and products
2) Count atoms and molecules in chemical reactions
3) Calculate amounts of reactants or products in chemical reactions
4) Describe energy changes in chemical reactions
5) Compare physical and chemical changes
6) Explore chemical structure and properties: soapmaking
7) Explore chemical structure and properties: food flavors
G) Velocity, acceleration, and forces
1) Calculate velocity from time and distance
2) Calculate distance from velocity and time
3) Calculate time from velocity and distance
4) Calculate velocity, distance, and time I
5) Calculate velocity, distance, and time II
6) Identify whether objects are accelerating
7) How does mass affect force and acceleration?
8) Predict forces using Newton’s third law
9) Balanced and unbalanced forces
10) Compare magnitudes of magnetic forces
H) Kinetic and potential energy
1) Identify changes in gravitational potential energy
2) Use tables and graphs to identify patterns about kinetic energy
3) Explore energy transformations: roller coaster ride
4) Explore energy transformations: bike ride
I) Thermal energy
1) Predict heat flow and temperature changes
2) Compare thermal energy transfers
J) Particle motion and energy
1) How does particle motion affect temperature?
2) Particle motion and changes of state
3) How does particle motion affect gas pressure?
4) Identify how particle motion affects temperature and pressure
K) Waves
1) Transverse waves
2) Compare amplitudes, wavelengths, and frequencies of waves
3) Compare energy of waves
4) Transmission, reflection, and absorption of waves
5) Electromagnetic waves
L) Solutions
1) Compare concentrations of solutions
2) Diffusion across membranes
M) Classification and scientific names
1) Identify common and scientific names
2) Origins of scientific names
3) Use scientific names to classify organisms
N) Biochemistry
1) Structure and function: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids
2) Understanding the chemistry of cellular respiration
O) Cells
1) Understanding cells
2) Identify functions of plant cell parts
3) Identify functions of animal cell parts
4) Plant cell diagrams: label parts
5) Animal cell diagrams: label parts
6) Compare cells and cell parts
P) Anatomy and physiology
1) Organization in the human body: the heart and the circulatory system
2) Science literacy: how does the nervous system produce phantom pain?
Q) Genes to traits
1) Inherited and acquired traits: use evidence to support a statement
2) Genetics vocabulary: genotype and phenotype
3) Genetics vocabulary: dominant and recessive
4) Genetic variation in sexual reproduction
5) Complete and interpret Punnett squares
6) Use Punnett squares to calculate ratios of offspring types
7) Use Punnett squares to calculate probabilities of offspring types
8) Genes, proteins, and traits: understanding the genetic code
9) Describe the effects of gene mutations on organisms
10) How do genes and the environment affect plant growth?
R) Adaptations and natural selection
1) How can animal behaviors affect reproductive success? Identify evidence to support a claim
2) Introduction to natural selection
3) Calculate the percentages of traits in a population
4) Calculate the averages of traits in a population
5) Construct explanations of natural selection
S) Fossils
1) Compare fossils to modern organisms
2) Compare ages of fossils in a rock sequence
T) Plant reproduction
1) Angiosperm and conifer life cycles
2) Moss and fern life cycles
U) Photosynthesis
1) How do plants use and change energy?
2) Identify the photosynthetic organism
V) Ecosystems
1) Describe populations, communities, and ecosystems
2) Identify ecosystems
3) Describe ecosystems
W) Ecological interactions
1) How does matter move in food chains?
2) Interpret food webs I
3) Interpret food webs II
4) Use food chains to predict changes in populations
5) Classify symbiotic relationships
6) Investigate primary succession on a volcanic island
X) Conservation
1) Coral reef biodiversity and human uses: explore a problem
2) Coral reef biodiversity and human uses: evaluate solutions
Y) Natural resources and human impacts
1) Evaluate claims about natural resource use: groundwater
2) Evaluate claims about natural resource use: fossil fuels
Z) Rocks
1) Identify rocks and minerals
2) Introduction to the rock cycle
3) Label parts of rock cycle diagrams
4) Select parts of rock cycle diagrams
AA) Earth’s features
1) Label Earth layers
2) Label Earth features at tectonic plate boundaries
3) Describe tectonic plate boundaries around the world
BB) Topographic maps
1) Select parts of a topographic map
CC) Water cycle
1) Label parts of water cycle diagrams
2) Select parts of water cycle diagrams
DD) Weather and climate
1) Use data to describe climates
2) Factors affecting climate: latitude
3) Factors affecting climate: distance from the ocean
4) Explore air masses
5) Identify and compare air masses
6) How do air masses form?
EE) The greenhouse effect
1) The greenhouse effect
FF) Natural hazards
1) Analyze natural hazard maps
GG) Astronomy
1) Analyze models of the Earth-Sun-Moon system
2) Identify phases of the Moon
3) Solar eclipses
4) What causes the seasons on Earth?
5) Analyze data to compare properties of planets
6) Identify constellations
HH) Units and measurement
1) Choose customary units of distance, mass, and volume
2) Choose metric units of distance, mass, and volume
3) Estimate temperatures
4) Abbreviate length, speed, and acceleration units
5) Abbreviate temperature, mass, and volume units
6) Abbreviate force, energy, and electricity units
Core Elementary School Middle School