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Social Studies

RFS's Social Studies curriculum is aligned to Florida's State Academic Standards and is concerned with the study of social relationships and the functioning of society and usually made up of courses in history, government, economics, civics, sociology, geography, and anthropology.

Kindergarten Social Studies

A) Community

1) What is a community?
2) Jobs community helpers do
3) Tools community helpers use
4) Compare cities and rural areas

B) Civics

1) Rules and laws
2) Authority figures
3) Government services
4) Good citizenship

C) American symbols and landmarks

1) Identify American symbols
2) Identify American landmarks and monuments
3) The American flag
4) Pledge of Allegiance

D) Physical geography

1) Identify Earth’s land features
2) Identify Earth’s water features
3) Identify human and physical features

E) Location words

1) Left and right
2) Above and below
3) Next to and between
4) Use location words

F) Maps

1) Introduction to maps
2) Use cardinal directions
3) Use a map key
4) Use maps of the community

G) Economics

1) Needs and wants
2) Scarcity
3) Goods and services
4) Producers and consumers
5) Natural resources

H) Then and now

1) Then and now: transportation and communication
2) Then and now: home and school
3) Then and now: work and play

I) Read along about famous people

1) George Washington
2) Abraham Lincoln
3) Helen Keller

J) Read along about holidays

1) Martin Luther King Jr. Day
2) Memorial Day
3) Independence Day
4) Thanksgiving

K) Using sources

1) Which source should you use?

L) Ordering events

1) Days of the week
2) Months of the year
3) Use time-order words
4) Introduction to timelines

Core   Elementary School   Middle School

First Grade Social Studies

A) Civics

1) Rules and laws
2) Authority figures
3) Government services
4) Good citizenship

B) American symbols and landmarks

1) Identify American symbols
2) Identify American landmarks and monuments (100) Medal
3) The American flag
4) Pledge of Allegiance

C) Community

1) What is a community?
2) Jobs community helpers do
3) Tools community helpers use
4) Compare cities and rural areas

D) Read along about holidays

1) Martin Luther King Jr. Day
2) Memorial Day
3) Independence Day
4) Thanksgiving

E) Then and now

1) Then and now: transportation and communication (100) Medal
2) Then and now: home and school
3) Then and now: work and play

F) Read along about famous people

1) George Washington
2) Abraham Lincoln
3) Helen Keller

G) Physical geography

1) Identify Earth’s land features
2) Identify Earth’s water features (100) Medal
3) Identify human and physical features

H) Location words

1) Left and right
2) Above, below, next to, and between
3) Use location words

I) Maps

1) Introduction to maps
2) Use cardinal directions
3) Use a map key
4) Use maps of the community

J) Economics

1) Needs and wants
2) Scarcity and choices
3) Goods and services
4) Producers and consumers
5) Natural resources (100) Medal

K) Using sources

1) Which source should you use?

L) Ordering events

1) Days of the week
2) Months of the year (100) Medal
3) Use time-order words
4) Introduction to timelines

Core   Elementary School   Middle School

Second Grade Social Studies

A) Geography

1) Read a letter-number grid
2) Use a letter-number grid
3) Introduction to cardinal directions
4) Read a map: cardinal directions
5) Use a map key
6) Identify oceans and continents (0)
7) Select oceans and continents
8) Name oceans and continents
9) Introduction to Earth’s land features
10) Identify Earth’s land features using photographs
11) Major U.S. cities
12) Identify urban, suburban, and rural areas (45)
13) Compare urban, suburban, and rural areas

B) Historical figures

1) Benjamin Franklin
2) Paul Revere
3) Thomas Jefferson
4) Davy Crockett
5) John Deere
6) Abraham Lincoln
7) Frederick Douglass
8) Susan B. Anthony
9) Harriet Tubman
10) Sitting Bull
11) Thomas Edison
12) Theodore Roosevelt
13) George Washington Carver
14) Amelia Earhart
15) Thurgood Marshall
16) Rosa Parks
17) Jackie Robinson
18) Cesar Chavez
19) Martin Luther King Jr.
20) Neil Armstrong
21) Bill Gates

C) Government

1) Purpose of government
2) Local government
3) State government
4) Federal government

D) American symbols, landmarks, and monuments

1) Identify American symbols, landmarks, and monuments
2) The American flag
3) The White House
4) The Washington Monument
5) The Lincoln Memorial
6) The Statue of Liberty
7) The Empire State Building
8) The Golden Gate Bridge
9) Mount Rushmore

E) Cultural celebrations

1) Día de los Muertos
2) Thanksgiving
3) Hanukkah
4) Rosh Hashanah
5) Kwanzaa
6) Christmas
7) Easter
8) Lunar New Year
9) Ramadan
10) Holi

F) Economics

1) Scarcity and choices
2) Natural resources
3) Goods and services
4) Producers and consumers
5) Jobs in the community

Core   Elementary School   Middle School

Third Grade Social Studies
A) Geography
1) Read a letter-number grid (100) Medal
2) Use a letter-number grid (100) Medal
3) Read a map: cardinal directions (100) Medal
4) Identify oceans and continents (100) Medal
5) Select oceans and continents (100) Medal
6) Name oceans and continents (100) Medal
7) Introduction to Earth’s land features (100) Medal
8) Identify Earth’s land features using photographs (100) Medal
9) Major U.S. cities (100) Medal
10) Identify urban, suburban, and rural areas (100) Medal
11) Compare urban, suburban, and rural areas (100) Medal
B) States
1) Identify states of the West (100) Medal
2) Select states of the West (100) Medal
3) Name states of the West (100) Medal
4) Identify states of the Midwest (100) Medal
5) Select states of the Midwest (100) Medal
6) Name states of the Midwest (100) Medal
7) Identify states of the Southeast (100) Medal
8) Select states of the Southeast (100) Medal
9) Name states of the Southeast (50)
10) Identify states of the Northeast (100) Medal
11) Select states of the Northeast (100) Medal
12) Name states of the Northeast (100) Medal
13) Identify the 50 states (100) Medal
14) Select the 50 states (100) Medal
15) Name the 50 states
C) State capitals
1) Identify state capitals of the West (0)
2) Name state capitals of the West
3) Identify state capitals of the Midwest
4) Name state capitals of the Midwest
5) Identify state capitals of the Southeast
6) Name state capitals of the Southeast
7) Identify state capitals of the Northeast (58)
8) Name state capitals of the Northeast
9) Identify the 50 state capitals (29)
10) Name the 50 state capitals
D) Historical figures
1) Benjamin Franklin (58)
2) Paul Revere
3) Thomas Jefferson
4) Davy Crockett
5) John Deere
6) Abraham Lincoln
7) Frederick Douglass
8) Susan B. Anthony
9) Harriet Tubman
10) Sitting Bull (37)
11) Thomas Edison (100) Medal
12) Theodore Roosevelt
13) George Washington Carver
14) Amelia Earhart (63) Medal
15) Thurgood Marshall
16) Rosa Parks (6)
17) Jackie Robinson
18) Cesar Chavez
19) Martin Luther King Jr. (0)
20) Neil Armstrong (22)
21) Bill Gates
E) Government
1) Purpose of government (56)
2) Local government (23)
3) State government
4) Federal government
5) The Constitution
6) The Bill of Rights
7) Checks and balances
8) Presidential elections
F) American symbols, landmarks, and monuments
1) Identify American symbols (100) Medal
2) Identify American landmarks and monuments: part I (100) Medal
3) Identify American landmarks and monuments: part II (100) Medal
4) The American flag (9)
5) The White House (9)
6) The Washington Monument (8)
7) The Lincoln Memorial
8) The Statue of Liberty (40)
9) The Empire State Building (100) Medal
10) The Golden Gate Bridge (22)
11) Mount Rushmore (67)
G) Cultural celebrations
1) Día de los Muertos (100) Medal
2) Thanksgiving (21)
3) Hanukkah (7)
4) Rosh Hashanah (13)
5) Kwanzaa
6) Christmas (100) Medal
7) Easter (100) Medal
8) Lunar New Year (36)
9) Ramadan (0)
10) Holi (100) Medal
H) Basic economic principles
1) What is economics? (100) Medal
2) Scarcity and choices
3) Natural resources (100) Medal
4) Goods and services
5) Producers and consumers
I) Supply and demand
1) Understand quantity supplied and quantity demanded
2) Understand overall supply and demand (79)
3) Create and use supply and demand curves
4) Identify shortage and surplus
5) Identify shortage and surplus with graphs
6) Identify shortage and surplus with data
J) Social Studies skills
1) Identify facts and opinions (100) 

Core   Elementary School   Middle School

Fourth Grade Social Studies
A) English colonies in North America
1) Jamestown: the early years
2) Jamestown: growth of a colony
3) Plymouth
4) New England colonies: religion and government
5) New England colonies: economy and conflict
6) Middle colonies: founding and government
7) Middle colonies: economy and society
8) Southern colonies: founding and government
9) Southern colonies: economy and slavery
10) Identify the Thirteen Colonies
11) Select the Thirteen Colonies
12) Name the Thirteen Colonies
B) The American Revolution
1) The American Revolution: the Thirteen Colonies under British rule
2) The American Revolution: New British taxes
3) The American Revolution: the Boston Tea Party
4) The American Revolution: the rebellion begins
5) The American Revolution: preparing for war
6) The American Revolution: struggle for independence
7) The American Revolution: turning the tide of the war
8) The American Revolution: conclusion and aftermath
C) Early 19th century American history
1) The Louisiana Purchase
2) The Lewis and Clark Expedition
3) The War of 1812: causes
4) The War of 1812: events and effects
5) Antebellum Period: economies of the North and South
6) Antebellum Period: abolitionist and proslavery perspectives
7) Antebellum Period: slavery and politics part I
8) Antebellum Period: slavery and politics part II
D) The Civil War and Reconstruction
1) The Civil War: the beginning of the war
2) The Civil War: the First Battle of Bull Run to Gettysburg
3) The Civil War: war tactics and the home front
4) The Civil War: the end of the war
5) Reconstruction
E) 20th century American history
1) World War I: the road to war
2) World War I: the war begins
3) World War I: events of the war
4) World War I: the road to peace
5) The Great Depression: part I
6) The Great Depression: part II
7) The New Deal
8) World War II: lead-up to war in Europe, Asia
9) World War II: global events
F) Maps
1) Read a map: cardinal directions
2) Identify lines of latitude and longitude
3) Use lines of latitude and longitude
G) Physical geography
1) Identify Earth’s land features using photographs
2) Identify Earth’s land features using satellite images
3) Identify oceans and continents
4) Select oceans and continents
5) Name oceans and continents
H) States
1) Identify states of the West
2) Select states of the West
3) Name states of the West
4) Identify states of the Midwest
5) Select states of the Midwest
6) Name states of the Midwest
7) Identify states of the Southeast
8) Select states of the Southeast
9) Name states of the Southeast
10) Identify states of the Northeast
11) Select states of the Northeast
12) Name states of the Northeast
13) Identify the 50 states
14) Select the 50 states
15) Name the 50 states
I) State capitals
1) Identify state capitals of the West
2) Name state capitals of the West
3) Identify state capitals of the Midwest
4) Name state capitals of the Midwest
5) Identify state capitals of the Southeast
6) Name state capitals of the Southeast
7) Identify state capitals of the Northeast
8) Name state capitals of the Northeast
9) Identify the 50 state capitals
10) Name the 50 state capitals
J) Cities
1) Cities of the West
2) Cities of the Midwest
3) Cities of the Southeast
4) Cities of the Northeast
5) Major U.S. cities
K) Government
1) Local government
2) State government
3) Federal government
4) The Constitution
5) The Bill of Rights
6) Checks and balances
7) Presidential elections
L) American symbols, landmarks, and monuments
1) Identify American symbols
2) Identify American landmarks and monuments: part I
3) Identify American landmarks and monuments: part II
4) The American flag
5) The White House
6) The Washington Monument
7) The Lincoln Memorial
8) The Statue of Liberty
9) The Empire State Building
10) The Golden Gate Bridge
11) Mount Rushmore
M) American national holidays
1) Thanksgiving
N) Basic economic principles
1) What is economics?
2) Costs and benefits
3) Opportunity cost
O) Banking and finance
1) Banks
P) Supply and demand
1) Understand quantity supplied and quantity demanded
2) Understand overall supply and demand
3) Create and use supply and demand curves
4) Identify shortage and surplus
5) Identify shortage and surplus with graphs
6) Identify shortage and surplus with data
Q) Social Studies skills
1) Identify facts and opinions
2) Reading and creating timelines with BCE and CE

Core   Elementary School   Middle School

Fifth Grade Social Studies
A) Maps
1) Read a map: cardinal directions
2) Identify lines of latitude and longitude
3) Use lines of latitude and longitude
B) Physical geography
1) Identify Earth’s land features using photographs
2) Identify Earth’s land features using satellite images
3) Identify oceans and continents
4) Select oceans and continents
5) Name oceans and continents
C) States
1) Identify states of the West
2) Select states of the West
3) Name states of the West
4) Identify states of the Midwest
5) Select states of the Midwest
6) Name states of the Midwest
7) Identify states of the Southeast
8) Select states of the Southeast
9) Name states of the Southeast
10) Identify states of the Northeast
11) Select states of the Northeast
12) Name states of the Northeast
13) Identify the 50 states
14) Select the 50 states
15) Name the 50 states
D) State capitals
1) Identify state capitals of the West
2) Name state capitals of the West
3) Identify state capitals of the Midwest
4) Name state capitals of the Midwest
5) Identify state capitals of the Southeast
6) Name state capitals of the Southeast
7) Identify state capitals of the Northeast
8) Name state capitals of the Northeast
9) Identify the 50 state capitals
10) Name the 50 state capitals
E) Cities
1) Cities of the West
2) Cities of the Midwest
3) Cities of the Southeast
4) Cities of the Northeast
5) Major U.S. cities
F) English colonies in North America
1) Jamestown: the early years
2) Jamestown: growth of a colony
3) Plymouth
4) New England colonies: religion and government
5) New England colonies: economy and conflict
6) Middle colonies: founding and government
7) Middle colonies: economy and society
8) Southern colonies: founding and government
9) Southern colonies: economy and slavery
10) Identify the Thirteen Colonies
11) Select the Thirteen Colonies
12) Name the Thirteen Colonies
G) The American Revolution
1) The American Revolution: the Thirteen Colonies under British rule
2) The American Revolution: New British taxes
3) The American Revolution: the Boston Tea Party
4) The American Revolution: the rebellion begins
5) The American Revolution: preparing for war
6) The American Revolution: struggle for independence
7) The American Revolution: turning the tide of the war
8) The American Revolution: conclusion and aftermath
H) Early 19th century American history
1) The Louisiana Purchase
2) The Lewis and Clark Expedition
3) The War of 1812: causes
4) The War of 1812: events and effects
5) Antebellum Period: economies of the North and South
6) Antebellum Period: abolitionist and proslavery perspectives
7) Antebellum Period: slavery and politics part I
8) Antebellum Period: slavery and politics part II
I) The Civil War and Reconstruction
1) The Civil War: the beginning of the war
2) The Civil War: the First Battle of Bull Run to Gettysburg
3) The Civil War: war tactics and the home front
4) The Civil War: the end of the war
5) Reconstruction
J) 20th century American history
1) World War I: the road to war
2) World War I: the war begins
3) World War I: events of the war
4) World War I: the road to peace
5) The Great Depression: part I
6) The Great Depression: part II
7) The New Deal
8) World War II: lead-up to war in Europe, Asia
9) World War II: global events
K) Government
1) Local government
2) State government
3) Federal government
4) The Constitution
5) The Bill of Rights
6) Checks and balances
7) Presidential elections
L) American symbols, landmarks, and monuments
1) Identify American symbols
2) Identify American landmarks and monuments: part I
3) Identify American landmarks and monuments: part II
4) The American flag
5) The White House
6) The Washington Monument
7) The Lincoln Memorial
8) The Statue of Liberty
9) The Empire State Building
10) The Golden Gate Bridge
11) Mount Rushmore
M) American national holidays
1) Thanksgiving
N) Basic economic principles
1) What is economics?
2) Costs and benefits
3) Opportunity cost
O) Banking and finance
1) Banks
P) Supply and demand
1) Understand quantity supplied and quantity demanded
2) Understand overall supply and demand
3) Create and use supply and demand curves
4) Identify shortage and surplus
5) Identify shortage and surplus with graphs
6) Identify shortage and surplus with data
Q) Social Studies skills
1) Identify facts and opinions
2) Reading and creating timelines with BCE and CE

Core   Elementary School   Middle School

Sixth Grade Social Studies

A) Prehistory

1) The Neolithic Period

B) Ancient Mesopotamia

1) Early Mesopotamia
2) Mesopotamian empires

C) Ancient Egypt and Kush

1) Ancient Egypt: the Old Kingdom
2) Ancient Egyptian religion
3) The kingdoms of Kush

D) Early China

1) Ancient China
2) Early Chinese thought
3) The Qin Empire
4) The Han Dynasty
5) Science and technology in early China
6) The teachings of Confucius

E) Ancient South Asia

1) The Indus Civilization
2) The Mauryan Empire
3) The Gupta Empire

F) Comparing ancient river civilizations

1) Compare ancient river civilizations: geography and society
2) Compare ancient river civilizations: achievements and legacy

G) The Silk Road

1) The ancient Silk Road: geography and transportation
2) The ancient Silk Road: goods and ideas
3) The medieval Silk Road

H) World religions

1) Origins of Judaism
2) Origins of Christianity
3) Origins of Islam
4) Origins of Hinduism
5) Origins of Buddhism

I) Greece

1) Classical Athens: geography and society
2) Classical Athens: government and culture
3) Comparing Athens and Sparta: part I
4) Comparing Athens and Sparta: part II
5) Alexander the Great

J) Rome and the Byzantine Empire

1) The beginnings of Rome
2) Early Roman society and politics
3) Roman government: monarchy to republic
4) The Roman Republic: part I
5) The Roman Republic: part II
6) Caesar and the end of the Roman Republic
7) Augustus and the rise of the Roman Empire
8) Pax Romana
9) The fall of the Western Roman Empire
10) The Byzantine Empire
11) Roman legacies

K) Islamic empires

1) Early Islamic conquests
2) Early Islamic caliphates

L) African empires

1) The Ghana Empire
2) Origins and development of the Mali Empire
3) The Songhai Empire

M) Medieval Asia

1) The Mongol Empire
2) Medieval Japan

N) Medieval Europe

1) Feudal Europe
2) The Crusades
3) The Middle Ages after 1100

O) Early Modern Europe

1) Renaissance origins
2) Italian Renaissance: achievements in literature and art
3) The Reformation
4) The Scientific Revolution
5) The Enlightenment: origins and natural rights
6) The Enlightenment: influences on government

P) Early Americas

1) Foundations of Maya civilization
2) Foundations of Inca civilization
3) Foundations of Aztec civilization
4) Pre-contact Native Peoples: introduction

Q) Age of Exploration

1) The Age of Exploration: origins
2) Portuguese and Spanish expeditions: part I
3) Portuguese and Spanish expeditions: part II
4) French and English expeditions: part I
5) French and English expeditions: part II
6) The Columbian Exchange

R) Physical geography

1) Oceans and continents
2) Identify Earth’s land features using photographs
3) Identify Earth’s land features using satellite images

S) The Americas: society and environment

1) Region profile: South America
2) Country profile: Brazil

T) The Americas: geography

1) Identify and select countries of Northern and Central America
2) Name countries of Northern and Central America
3) Identify and select countries of the Caribbean
4) Name countries of the Caribbean
5) Identify and select countries of South America
6) Name countries of South America

U) Europe: society and environment

1) Region profile: Europe

V) Europe: geography

1) Identify and select countries of Europe: region 1
2) Name countries of Europe: region 1
3) Identify and select countries of Europe: region 2
4) Name countries of Europe: region 2
5) Identify and select countries of Europe: region 3
6) Name countries of Europe: region 3
7) Identify and select countries of Europe: region 4
8) Name countries of Europe: region 4
9) Identify and select countries of Europe: region 5
10) Name countries of Europe: region 5
11) Identify countries of Europe: review
12) Select countries of Europe: review
13) Name countries of Europe: review

W) Africa: society and environment

1) Region profile: West and Central Africa

X) Africa: geography

1) Identify and select countries of Africa: region 1
2) Name countries of Africa: region 1
3) Identify and select countries of Africa: region 2
4) Name countries of Africa: region 2
5) Identify and select countries of Africa: region 3
6) Name countries of Africa: region 3
7) Identify and select countries of Africa: region 4
8) Name countries of Africa: region 4
9) Identify and select countries of Africa: region 5
10) Name countries of Africa: region 5
11) Identify countries of Africa: review
12) Select countries of Africa: review
13) Name countries of Africa: review

Y) The Middle East: society and environment

1) Region profile: the Middle East

Z) Asia: society and environment

1) Region profile: East Asia
2) Country profile: China
3) Country profile: Japan

AA) Asia: geography

1) Identify and select countries of Asia: region 1
2) Name countries of Asia: region 1
3) Identify and select countries of Asia: region 2
4) Name countries of Asia: region 2
5) Identify and select countries of Asia: region 3
6) Name countries of Asia: region 3
7) Identify and select countries of Asia: region 4
8) Name countries of Asia: region 4
9) Identify and select countries of Asia: region 5
10) Name countries of Asia: region 5
11) Identify and select countries of Asia: region 6
12) Name countries of Asia: region 6
13) Identify countries of Asia: review
14) Select countries of Asia: review
15) Name countries of Asia: review

BB) Oceania: geography

1) Identify and select countries of Oceania
2) Name countries of Oceania

CC) Government

1) Purposes of government
2) The Legislative Branch
3) The Executive Branch
4) The Judicial Branch
5) Checks and balances
6) State and local government
7) International organizations

DD) The Constitution

1) The Constitution: structure and principles
2) The Constitution: amendments
3) The Bill of Rights

EE) The legal system

1) Laws and courts

FF) Citizenship

1) Citizenship and the naturalization process
2) Rights and responsibilities of active citizenship

GG) Basic economic principles

1) What is economics?
2) Costs and benefits
3) Opportunity cost
4) Trade and specialization
5) What is a market?

HH) Banking and finance

1) Banks

II) Supply and demand

1) Understand quantity supplied and quantity demanded
2) Understand overall supply and demand
3) Create and use supply and demand curves
4) Identify shortage and surplus
5) Identify shortage and surplus with graphs
6) Identify shortage and surplus with data

JJ) Social Studies skills

1) Identify primary and secondary sources
2) Identify facts and opinions
3) Reading and creating timelines with BCE and CE
4) Source analysis: the Boston Massacre
5) Source analysis: the Declaration of Independence
6) Source analysis: the Gettysburg Address

Core   Elementary School   Middle School

Seventh Grade Social Studies
A) Physical Geography
1) Oceans and continents
B) The Americas: society and environment
1) Region profile: South America
2) Country profile: Brazil
C) The Americas: geography
1) Identify and select countries of Northern and Central America
2) Name countries of Northern and Central America
3) Identify and select countries of the Caribbean
4) Name countries of the Caribbean
5) Identify and select countries of South America
6) Name countries of South America
D) Europe: society and environment
1) Region profile: Europe
E) Europe: geography
1) Identify and select countries of Europe: region 1
2) Name countries of Europe: region 1
3) Identify and select countries of Europe: region 2
4) Name countries of Europe: region 2
5) Identify and select countries of Europe: region 3
6) Name countries of Europe: region 3
7) Identify and select countries of Europe: region 4
8) Name countries of Europe: region 4
9) Identify and select countries of Europe: region 5
10) Name countries of Europe: region 5
11) Identify countries of Europe: review
12) Select countries of Europe: review
13) Name countries of Europe: review
F) Africa: society and environment
1) Region profile: West and Central Africa
G) Africa: geography
1) Identify and select countries of Africa: region 1
2) Name countries of Africa: region 1
3) Identify and select countries of Africa: region 2
4) Name countries of Africa: region 2
5) Identify and select countries of Africa: region 3
6) Name countries of Africa: region 3
7) Identify and select countries of Africa: region 4
8) Name countries of Africa: region 4
9) Identify and select countries of Africa: region 5
10) Name countries of Africa: region 5
11) Identify countries of Africa: review
12) Select countries of Africa: review
13) Name countries of Africa: review
H) The Middle East: society and environment
1) Region profile: the Middle East
I) Asia: society and environment
1) Region profile: East Asia
2) Country profile: China
3) Country profile: Japan
J) Asia: geography
1) Identify and select countries of Asia: region 1
2) Name countries of Asia: region 1
3) Identify and select countries of Asia: region 2
4) Name countries of Asia: region 2
5) Identify and select countries of Asia: region 3
6) Name countries of Asia: region 3
7) Identify and select countries of Asia: region 4
8) Name countries of Asia: region 4
9) Identify and select countries of Asia: region 5
10) Name countries of Asia: region 5
11) Identify and select countries of Asia: region 6
12) Name countries of Asia: region 6
13) Identify countries of Asia: review
14) Select countries of Asia: review
15) Name countries of Asia: review
K) Oceania: geography
1) Identify and select countries of Oceania
2) Name countries of Oceania
L) Prehistory
1) The Neolithic Period
M) Ancient Mesopotamia
1) Early Mesopotamia
2) Mesopotamian empires
N) Ancient Egypt and Kush
1) Ancient Egypt: the Old Kingdom
2) Ancient Egyptian religion
3) The kingdoms of Kush
O) Early China
1) Ancient China
2) Early Chinese thought
3) The Qin Empire
4) The Han Dynasty
5) Science and technology in early China
6) The teachings of Confucius
P) Ancient South Asia
1) The Indus Civilization
2) The Mauryan Empire
3) The Gupta Empire
Q) Comparing ancient river civilizations
1) Compare ancient river civilizations: geography and society
2) Compare ancient river civilizations: achievements and legacy
R) The Silk Road
1) The ancient Silk Road: geography and transportation
2) The ancient Silk Road: goods and ideas
3) The medieval Silk Road
S) World religions
1) Origins of Judaism
2) Origins of Christianity
3) Origins of Islam
4) Origins of Hinduism
5) Origins of Buddhism
T) Greece
1) Classical Athens: geography and society
2) Classical Athens: government and culture
3) Comparing Athens and Sparta: part I
4) Comparing Athens and Sparta: part II
5) Alexander the Great
U) Rome and the Byzantine Empire
1) The beginnings of Rome
2) Early Roman society and politics
3) Roman government: monarchy to republic
4) The Roman Republic: part I
5) The Roman Republic: part II
6) Caesar and the end of the Roman Republic
7) Augustus and the rise of the Roman Empire
8) Pax Romana
9) The fall of the Western Roman Empire
10) The Byzantine Empire
11) Roman legacies
V) Islamic empires
1) Early Islamic conquests
2) Early Islamic caliphates
W) African empires
1) The Ghana Empire
2) Origins and development of the Mali Empire
3) The Songhai Empire
X) Medieval Asia
1) The Mongol Empire
2) Medieval Japan
Y) Medieval Europe
1) Feudal Europe
2) The Crusades
3) The Middle Ages after 1100
Z) Early Modern Europe
1) Renaissance origins
2) Italian Renaissance: achievements in literature and art
3) The Reformation
4) The Scientific Revolution
5) The Enlightenment: origins and natural rights
6) The Enlightenment: influences on government
AA) Early Americas
1) Foundations of Maya civilization
2) Foundations of Inca civilization
3) Foundations of Aztec civilization
4) Pre-contact Native Peoples: introduction
BB) Age of Exploration
1) The Age of Exploration: origins
2) Portuguese and Spanish expeditions: part I
3) Portuguese and Spanish expeditions: part II
4) French and English expeditions: part I
5) French and English expeditions: part II
6) The Columbian Exchange
CC) Government
1) Purposes of government
2) The Legislative Branch
3) The Executive Branch
4) The Judicial Branch
5) Checks and balances
6) State and local government
7) International organizations
DD) The Constitution
1) The Constitution: structure and principles
2) The Constitution: amendments
3) The Constitution: interpretation
4) The Bill of Rights
EE) The legal system
1) Laws and courts
FF) Citizenship
1) Citizenship and the naturalization process
2) Rights and responsibilities of active citizenship
GG) Basic economic principles
1) What is economics?
2) Costs and benefits
3) Opportunity cost
4) Trade and specialization
5) What is a market?
HH) Banking and finance
1) Banks
II) Supply and demand
1) Understand quantity supplied and quantity demanded
2) Understand overall supply and demand
3) Create and use supply and demand curves
4) Identify shortage and surplus
5) Identify shortage and surplus with graphs
6) Identify shortage and surplus with data
JJ) Colonial America
1) Life as a colonist
2) Identify the Thirteen Colonies
3) Select the Thirteen Colonies
4) Name the Thirteen Colonies
5) New England Colonies: founding and government
6) New England Colonies: economy and interactions with Native Americans
7) Middle Colonies: founding and government
8) Middle Colonies: economy and society
9) Southern Colonies: founding and government
10) Southern Colonies: economy and slavery
KK) The American Revolution
1) Causes of the American Revolution: the French and Indian War
2) Causes of the American Revolution: politics and society
3) Causes of the American Revolution: introduction to mercantilism and the Navigation Acts
4) Causes of the American Revolution: new taxes and colonial response
5) The Revolutionary War: preparing for war
6) The Revolutionary War: struggle for independence
7) The Revolutionary War: turning the tide of war
8) The Revolutionary War: conclusion and aftermath
9) Source analysis: the Boston Massacre
10) Source analysis: the Declaration of Independence
LL) The Early Republic
1) The Articles of Confederation
2) The Constitutional Convention
3) Washington’s presidency: part I
4) Washington’s presidency: part II
5) The first party system: Federalists and Democratic-Republicans
6) The Marshall Court
7) The Louisiana Purchase
MM) The Jacksonian period
1) Jacksonian Democracy
2) Tariff, nullification, and bank war
3) Indian Removal and the
Trail of Tears
NN) The Antebellum period
1) Industrial and Transportation Revolutions
2) Comparing the North and the South
3) Antebellum reform movements
4) Antebellum immigration
5) Slavery in the South
6) The abolitionists
7) Texas independence and annexation
8) The U.S.-Mexican War
9) Causes of the Civil War: Missouri Compromise to Bleeding Kansas
10) Causes of the Civil War: Dred Scott to secession
OO) The Civil War
1) The Civil War: the beginning of the war
2) The Civil War: Bull Run to the Emancipation Proclamation
3) The Civil War: Gettysburg to the election of 1864
4) The Civil War: the conclusion of the war
5) Source analysis: the Gettysburg Address
PP) Reconstruction
1) Radical Reconstruction
2) The end of Reconstruction and the rise of Jim Crow
QQ) The Gilded Age
1) Industrialization in the Gilded Age
2) Cities in the Gilded Age
RR) World War I
1) World War I: the road to war
2) World War I: the Great War
SS) Social Studies skills
1) Identify primary and secondary sources
2) Identify facts and opinions
3) Reading and creating timelines with BCE and CE

Core   Elementary School   Middle School

Eighth Grade Social Studies

A) Government

1) Purposes of government
2) The Legislative Branch
3) The Executive Branch
4) The Judicial Branch
5) Checks and balances
6) State and local government

B) The Constitution

1) The Constitution: structure and principles
2) The Constitution: amendments
3) The Constitution: interpretation
4) The Bill of Rights

C) The legal system

1) Laws and courts

D) Citizenship

1) Citizenship and the naturalization process
2) Rights and responsibilities of active citizenship

E) Basic economic principles

1) What is economics?
2) Costs and benefits
3) Opportunity cost
4) Trade and specialization
5) What is a market?

F) Banking and finance

1) Banks

G) Supply and demand

1) Understand quantity supplied and quantity demanded
2) Understand overall supply and demand
3) Create and use supply and demand curves
4) Identify shortage and surplus
5) Identify shortage and surplus with graphs
6) Identify shortage and surplus with data

H) Early Modern Europe

1) Renaissance origins
2) Italian Renaissance: achievements in literature and art
3) The Reformation
4) The Scientific Revolution
5) The Enlightenment: origins and natural rights
6) The Enlightenment: influences on government

I) Age of Exploration

1) The Age of Exploration: origins
2) Portuguese and Spanish expeditions: part I
3) Portuguese and Spanish expeditions: part II
4) French and English expeditions: part I
5) French and English expeditions: part II
6) The Columbian Exchange

J) Pre-contact America

1) Pre-contact Native Peoples: introduction

K) Colonial America

1) Life as a colonist
2) Identify the Thirteen Colonies
3) Select the Thirteen Colonies
4) Name the Thirteen Colonies
5) New England Colonies: founding and government
6) New England Colonies: economy and interactions with Native Americans
7) Middle Colonies: founding and government
8) Middle Colonies: economy and society
9) Southern Colonies: founding and government
10) Southern Colonies: economy and slavery

L) The American Revolution

1) Causes of the American Revolution: the French and Indian War
2) Causes of the American Revolution: politics and society
3) Causes of the American Revolution: introduction to mercantilism and the Navigation Acts
4) Causes of the American Revolution: new taxes and colonial response
5) The Revolutionary War: preparing for war
6) The Revolutionary War: struggle for independence
7) The Revolutionary War: turning the tide of war
8) The Revolutionary War: conclusion and aftermath
9) Source analysis: the Boston Massacre
10) Source analysis: the Declaration of Independence

M) The Early Republic

1) The Articles of Confederation
2) The Constitutional Convention
3) Washington’s presidency: part I
4) Washington’s presidency: part II
5) The first party system: Federalists and Democratic-Republicans
6) The Marshall Court
7) The Louisiana Purchase

N) The Jacksonian period

1) Jacksonian Democracy
2) Tariff, nullification, and bank war
3) Indian Removal and the Trail of Tears

O) The Antebellum period

1) Industrial and Transportation Revolutions
2) Comparing the North and the South
3) Antebellum reform movements
4) Antebellum immigration
5) Slavery in the South
6) The abolitionists
7) Texas independence and annexation
8) The U.S.-Mexican War
9) Causes of the Civil War: Missouri Compromise to Bleeding Kansas
10) Causes of the Civil War: Dred Scott to secession

P) The Civil War

1) The Civil War: the beginning of the war
2) The Civil War: Bull Run to the Emancipation Proclamation
3) The Civil War: Gettysburg to the election of 1864
4) The Civil War: the conclusion of the war
5) Source analysis: the Gettysburg Address

Q) Reconstruction

1) Radical Reconstruction
2) The end of Reconstruction and the rise of Jim Crow

R) The Gilded Age

1) Industrialization in the Gilded Age
2) Cities in the Gilded Age

S) World War I

1) World War I: the road to war
2) World War I: the Great War

T) Social Studies skills

1) Identify primary and secondary sources
2) Identify facts and opinions
3) Reading and creating timelines with BCE and CE

U) Physical Geography

1) Oceans and continents

V) The Americas: society and environment

1) Region profile: South America
2) Country profile: Brazil

W) The Americas: geography

1) Identify and select countries of Northern and Central America
2) Name countries of Northern and Central America
3) Identify and select countries of the Caribbean
4) Name countries of the Caribbean
5) Identify and select countries of South America
6) Name countries of South America

X) Europe: society and environment

1) Region profile: Europe

Y) Europe: geography

1) Identify and select countries of Europe: region 1
2) Name countries of Europe: region 1
3) Identify and select countries of Europe: region 2
4) Name countries of Europe: region 2
5) Identify and select countries of Europe: region 3
6) Name countries of Europe: region 3
7) Identify and select countries of Europe: region 4
8) Name countries of Europe: region 4
9) Identify and select countries of Europe: region 5
10) Name countries of Europe: region 5
11) Identify countries of Europe: review
12) Select countries of Europe: review
13) Name countries of Europe: review

Z) Africa: society and environment

1) Region profile: West and Central Africa

AA) Africa: geography

1) Identify and select countries of Africa: region 1
2) Name countries of Africa: region 1
3) Identify and select countries of Africa: region 2
4) Name countries of Africa: region 2
5) Identify and select countries of Africa: region 3
6) Name countries of Africa: region 3
7) Identify and select countries of Africa: region 4
8) Name countries of Africa: region 4
9) Identify and select countries of Africa: region 5
10) Name countries of Africa: region 5
11) Identify countries of Africa: review
12) Select countries of Africa: review
13) Name countries of Africa: review

BB) The Middle East: society and environment

1) Region profile: the Middle East

CC) Asia: society and environment

1) Region profile: East Asia
2) Country profile: China
3) Country profile: Japan

DD) Asia: geography

1) Identify and select countries of Asia: region 1
2) Name countries of Asia: region 1
3) Identify and select countries of Asia: region 2
4) Name countries of Asia: region 2
5) Identify and select countries of Asia: region 3
6) Name countries of Asia: region 3
7) Identify and select countries of Asia: region 4
8) Name countries of Asia: region 4
9) Identify and select countries of Asia: region 5
10) Name countries of Asia: region 5
11) Identify and select countries of Asia: region 6
12) Name countries of Asia: region 6
13) Identify countries of Asia: review
14) Select countries of Asia: review
15) Name countries of Asia: review

EE) Oceania: geography

1) Identify and select countries of Oceania
2) Name countries of Oceania

Core   Elementary School   Middle School