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Family Office


RSF's technology curriculum to improves students' digital literacy and enables them to confidently perform common tasks using technology while being able to apply those skills to new tasks and technologies as needed.

Learning the Keys

Lesson 1 Learning the Keys – Home Fow
Lesson 2 Learning the Keys – E & I Keys
Lesson 3 Learning the Keys – R & U Keys
Lesson 5 Learning the Keys – T & Y Keys
Lesson 6 Learning the Keys – W & O Keys
Lesson 7 Learning the Keys – Q & P Keys
Lesson 8 Learning the Keys – V & M Keys
Lesson 9 Learning the Keys – B & N Keys
Lesson 10 Learning the Keys – C & Comma Keys
Lesson 11 Learning the Keys – X & Y Keys
Lesson 12 Learning the Keys – / & . Keys
Lesson 12 Learning the Keys – All Keys

Core   Elementary School   Middle School

Speed Typing

Level 1 Words Per Minute – Speed Typing to 5 WPM
Level 2 Words Per Minute – Speed Typing to 10 WPM
Level 3 Words Per Minute – Speed Typing to 15 WPM
Level 4 Words Per Minute – Speed Typing to 20 WPM
Level 5 Words Per Minute – Speed Typing to 25 WPM
Level 6 Words Per Minute – Speed Typing to 30 WPM
Level 7 Words Per Minute – Speed Typing to 35 WPM
Level 8 Words Per Minute – Speed Typing to 40 WPM

Core   Elementary School   Middle School

Office365 Teams
Teams is the hub for teamwork in Microsoft 365, providing a centralized workspace for teams to communicate and collaborate. It features persistent and threaded chats, file sharing, and the ability to hold meetings. Students will learn to create teams, add users, manage a team, start a team conversation, reply to a conversation, and add files. In addition, students will explore channels, create new channels, create and share files, work with meetings, schedule team meetings, integrate with SharePoint, add tabs to keep files, notes and apps available, and connectors to access content and get updates.

Core   Elementary School   Middle School

Microsoft Office365 Outlook
This course is designed to teach students the basics of Microsoft Outlook 365 and help them gainfamiliarity with the Outlook environment and basic functionality. The first chapter, the first look at Outlook, will provide a tour of Outlook 365’s user interface. Participants will adjust reading options and navigate the main tabs and sub-applications within Outlook 365. In the second chapter, creating and sending messages, students will learn the basics of email, how to create and send messages, and how to work with attachments. In the third chapter, Managing and Organizing the Outlook Mailbox students will also learn organizational techniques through the use of folders, views, categories, flags, and searching. The Fourth, Fifth and Sixth chapters will provide a basic overview on how to use several of the Subapplications that exist within Outlook 365 Desktop. These sub applications include: the calendar, the contact/people view, and the task list. The final chapter in this course will round up the basic overview by discussing several techniques that help increase efficiency in Outlook. These include using the focused inbox, creating and using signatures, setting out of office replies, and creating quick steps.

Core   Elementary School   Middle School

Microsoft Office365 Outlook
In this course, students will expand upon their existing knowledge and learn and use advanced features of Microsoft Outlook 365. Students will modify and manage message options, track and delivery options, voting options, contact options, calendar options, and other advanced Outlook features. Students will alsoreview rules and automation, cleanup commands, sharing options, advanced graphic options, junk mail options, import and export features, and how to back up their Outlook data.

Core   Elementary School   Middle School

Microsoft Office365 Microsoft Word

This video course is designed to introduce students to the basic functionality and user interface of Microsoft Word 365. In this course, students will learn the basics of saving and opening documents and review the Word 365 interface. Students will practice text navigation, selection, entry, and various other text formatting and editing commands and features. Students will learn about the Word 365 Accessibility Checker, which reviews documents and makes suggestions to ensure that document content is properly formatted to be accessible for people with disabilities. Students will also review the sharing and co-authoring features of Word 365, which include online file sharing, real-time collaboration, detailed version history, and file recovery options to prevent lost work while collaborating. Additionally, students will learn about the Inking Tools that facilitate a range of additional editing and drawing features for touch-enabled devices. Next, students will work with bulleted and numbered lists and tables and their various features and options to organize and manage information in their documents. Students will also work with graphics and the various tools available in Word 365 to format and edit them. Lastly, this course will cover various options for viewing documents, proofing options for documents, and settings to prepare documents for distribution and publication.

Core   Elementary School   Middle School

Microsoft Office365 Word

This is the intermediate course in the Microsoft Word 365 video course series. This course expands upon the topics covered in the Word 365 Introduction video course and introduces more advanced and powerful options for document customization and design. In this course, students will work with, create, manage, and customize Styles, Templates, and Themes to update document design quickly and efficiently. Students will also work with various types of data in Word using Lists, Tables, advanced Copy and Paste commands, and Charts. Students will review options for sorting, formatting, designing, and editing Lists, Tables, and Charts to best match the data contained and the display needs of particular projects. Students will then review advanced document layout options in Word to customize the appearance of content and various collaboration tools such as Comments, Tracking Changes, and Markups to facilitate co-working. Lastly, students will learn to work with graphic elements such as pictures, text boxes, shapes, the Drawing Canvas, SmartArt, Text Effects, Typography Effects, WordArt, and Equations to create more functional and visually compelling documents. Students will also learn about additional graphic element features such as grouping, layering, and moving objects to arrange and manage graphics and perfect the final appearance of project documents.

Core   Elementary School   Middle School

Microsoft Office365 Powerpoint
In this course, students will get started with the basics of Microsoft PowerPoint 365. Learners will become familiar with opening the PowerPoint application, utilizing the Ribbon and interface, and navigating the different views and options. They will learn how to create a presentation on their own and work with various features and commands to update and customize their presentations with ease. This course will also review how to format slide text including character and paragraph formatting, using Format Painter, customizing bulleted lists and creating numbered lists as needed. Students will then be taught how to edit a presentation by moving and copying slides as well as cutting and copying slide content to paste it onto other slides. From there, learners will be taught how to work with graphics including pictures and shapes. They will learn how to insert, resize, arrange and format graphics to add visual appeal to their
presentations. As the course concludes, students will be taught how to proof, print, and deliver a presentation so they are prepared to apply what they have learned and present their work to the desired audiences. Once completed, learners can test their knowledge in the course assessment to solidify what they have learned.

Core   Elementary School   Middle School

Microsoft Office365 Powerpoint

In this course, students will take a deeper dive into Microsoft PowerPoint 365 in order to learn how to better organize their presentations and make them even more visually appealing. They will be taught how to utilize outline view to edit and arrange text as well as how they can create slide sections and Zooms to further organize their presentations. In addition, students will learn to create exciting and dynamic presentations by animating text and objects and adding slide transitions. Learners will then be taught how to use more advanced graphic features including text boxes, WordArt, and 3D models to add even more interest to their presentations. From there, the course will cover how to create tables and charts as well as how to format and design them to present data in clear, visually appealing formats. Students will then learn how to insert and configure media files such as audio and video and add hyperlinks that will work within their presentations. As the course concludes, students will be shown additional presentation tools including how to work with speaker notes and handouts, rehearse using Presenter Coach, and record a presentation that they can utilize to ensure they are making the most of their presentations.

Core   Elementary School   Middle School

Microsoft Office365 Powerpoint
In this course, students will learn the various collaboration tools in Microsoft PowerPoint 365 such as reusing slides, creating slides from Word, and working with Excel. Students will learn to utilize the power of Slide Masters, create custom themes, and design custom templates. In addition, students will learn to create exciting presentations by animating text and objects, add slide transitions, and use advanced graphic features including SmartArt, and audio and video. Finally, students will present like a pro by using advanced presentation features including annotations, hyperlinks and action buttons, timings, recordings,and creating videos, and review additional advanced slideshow options.

Core   Elementary School   Middle School

Microsoft Office365 Excel
Microsoft Excel is one of the major workhorses in the Microsoft Office suite of applications and arguably the most widely-used Office product. A solid understanding of how to use this program is vital to nearly everyone in most industries today. This course is designed specifically to teach you the fundamentals of Excel and give you the skills you need to begin to create and manipulate worksheets. Specifically, you will understand how to create, save, enter data, and print spreadsheets in addition to learning how to create formulas and use functions to calculate in Excel. You will learn how to enter data, format spreadsheets, manipulate columns and rows, add headers and footers, and use page setup options to prepare them for printing. You will also learn how to handle large worksheets or multiple workbooks, use styles and themes, insert various graphic objects, and options for proofing your workbooks.

Core   Elementary School   Middle School

Microsoft Office365 Excel

In this course, students will learn how to link workbooks and worksheets, work with range names, sort and filter range data, and analyze and organize with tables. Students will also apply conditional formatting, outline with subtotals and groups, display data graphically with charts and sparklines. Additionally, students will also understand PivotTables, PivotCharts, and slicers and work with advanced PivotTables and PowerPivot features.

Core   Elementary School   Middle School

Microsoft Office365 Excel

This course will teach students advanced concepts and formulas in Microsoft Excel 365. Students will learn functions such as SUMIF, AVERAGEIF, and COUNTIF, advanced lookup functions, and complex logical and text functions. Additionally, students will experiment with auditing formulas and error checking, use the What-If Analysis tools, learn the options for worksheet and workbook protection, review advanced use of PivotTables and PowerPivot add-in, work with Macros, use form controls, and ensure data integrity in their worksheets and workbooks. Students will also learn about Excel’s many collaboration features and import and export data to and from their workbooks.

Core   Elementary School   Middle School

Microsoft Sharepoint User

This course is an introduction to Microsoft 365 Sites. Upon completion of this course, users will have an understanding of SharePoint Sites and Sites structure. They will learn the differences between Modern and Classic view, how to work with libraries, and document version control. They will also learn how to search for content, how to sync files, and the basics of Permissions. In addition, they will learn how to set alerts, work with lists, add files to Libraries, add items to Lists, and create custom views.

Core   Elementary School   Middle School

Content Creation
The Method to Finding the Best Strategies

YouTube – How to Analyze a Video
YouTube – Analyze Titles, Thumbnails and Channel Strategy
Can you succeed without any of these strategies?
Critical concept : the value of your audience
Content Tilt: the final piece of your success puzzle
Beware of the Content Tilt Trap!
Section Recap – How to Succeed with Your Content
Practice : Reverse-engineer a creator in your niche

Core   Elementary School   Middle School

Content Creation
Business - Your Social Media Strategy

Content Marketing Periodic Table
Which Social Media channels to choose for your brand?
The Content Pyramid
Reverse-Engineering a Content Pyramid
Practice : Reverse-engineer a Content Pyramid and the bigger business strategy
Social Media Platforms Overview

Core   Elementary School   Middle School

Content Creation
More Reverse-Engineering of Successful Content

Instagram – Analyze Strategy, Reels, Photos & Stories
TikTok Strategies – How to succeed (Part 1)
TikTok Strategies – How to succeed (Part 2)
Brainstorming File : YouTube example
Brainstorming File : Instagram example
Brainstorming File : TikTok example

Core   Elementary School   Middle School